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Citat om Balett

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Dans är själen gömda språk i kroppen.Martha Graham (1894-1991)
När jag var ett litet barn, tog jag lektioner i stepp och balett. Jag har alltid älskat att dansa. Jag är en rytmmaskin. Tommy Lee Jones (1962-)
Om balett var lätt, skulle de kalla det fotboll.Clive Barnes (1927-)
One of the few things in dance to match the Royal Ballet's curtain calls is the Royal Ballet's dancing.Clive Barnes (1927-)
Ballet's image of perfection is fashioned amid a milieu of wracked bodies, fevered imaginations, Balkan intrigue and sulfurous hatreds where anything is likely, and dancers know it.Shana Alexander (1925-2005)
Men wearing pants so tight that you can tell what religion they are.Robin Williams (1952-)
My background is somewhat unusual, as I trained to be a ballet dancer. I worked in the theatre for eight or nine years as a contemporary dancer.Will Kemp (1977-)