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Citat om Dygd

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Att fordra dygden av en ung man och förneka honom alla nöjen är detsamma som att begära frukt av ett träd sedan man bortskakat dess blomster.Johan Henrik Kellgren (1751-1795)
Att två människor skulle leva tillsammans i 25 år utan en enda allvarlig dispyt tyder på en menlöshet som inte kan räknas som en dygd annat än hos får.Sir Alan P. Herbert (1890-1971)
Bara en dygdig människa kan älska och hata människor.Ordspråk från Kina
Det finns få dygdiga kvinnor som inte är trötta på att vara det.François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
Dygd kommer inte ur rikedom, utan... rikedom, och alla goda ting människan har... kommer ur dygden.Sokrates (470 f.Kr.-399 f.Kr.)
Dygd kräver vissa gränser.Charles de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Dygd är bättre än skönhet.Ordspråk från Sverige
Dygd är inte ärftligt.Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
Dygd är kanske ingenting mer än själens artighet.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850)
Dygden blir aldrig gammal.Ordspråk från Norge
Dygden börjar få övertaget först när magen blir svag.Holger Drachmann (1846-1908)
Dygden har många predikanter men få martyrer.Claude-Adrien Helvétius (1715-1771)
Dygden skulle inte gå så långt om inte fåfängan höll den sällskap.François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
Dygden vördar man, odygden älskar man.Ordspråk från Tyskland
Dygden överlever döden.Latinskt ordspråk
Dygdens enda belöning är dygden; enda sättet att få en vän är att vara en.Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Dygderna uppslukas av egoism som floderna uppslukas av havet.François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
Dygdiga människor skrämmer mig. Dygden straffar ju sig själv.Aneurin Bevan (1897-1960)
En kvinna kan försvara sin dygd mot män mycket lättare än hon kan skydda sitt rykte mot kvinnor.Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)
En kvinna skulle nog behöva rätt mycket fantasi för att älska en man för hans dygd.George Christoph Lichtenberg
För många betyder dygd snarare att ångra sina felsteg än att undvika dem.George Christoph Lichtenberg
Kvinnans dygd är mannens främsta uppfinning.Cornelia Otis Skinner (1901-1979)
Kvinnans dygd är mannens största uppfinning.Cornelia Otis Skinner (1901-1979)
Kvinnlig dygd är ingenting annat än en bekväm manlig uppfinning.Ninon de Lenclos (1620-1705)
Lasten smyger sig in i vårt hjärta i dygdens förklädnad.Latinskt ordspråk
Lasten vet att hon är ful; därför förklär hon sig.Ordspråk från England
Man gör ständigt en dygd av en nödvändighet.Ordspråk från Danmark
Mannen fordrar dygd av kvinnan, men gör allt för att uppmuntra hennes fel.Viktor Rydberg (1828-1895)
När en kvinna väl uppgivit sin dygd nekar hon sig ingenting.Tacitus (55-116)
Själv röker jag inte, men jag tar då och då en cigarrett bara för att inte bli slav under dygden.Red Top (1915-)
Sparsamhet är en dygd, men den bör utövas av förfäder.Falukuriren
Stora mäns laster skattas ofta som dygder.Ordspråk från Kanada
Tystnad är dårars dygd.Francis Bacon (1909-1992)
Uppfostran är människornas försök att på pedagogisk väg bibringa sina barn de dygder som de inte har kunnat skänka dem på genetisk.William Saroyan (1908-1981)
Uppmuntra dygden i varje hjärta där den tvingats gömma sig i hemlighet och sorg av världens skam och ondska.William Saroyan (1908-1981)
Utan frestelse ingen dygd.Ordspråk från Sverige
Vad som är last idag kan vara dygd i morgon.Henry Fielding (1707-1754)
En kvinde kan forsvare sin dyd over for mænd meget lettere, end hun kan beskytte sit rygte over for kvinder.Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)
Sand dyd er til. Dog kun som hypotese.Hans Hartvig Seedorff
En erhvervet dyd er lige så beregnende som en last.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850)
En snæversynet menneskes sind er som øjets pupil: jo mere lys, du udsætter den for, jo mere trækker den sig sammen.Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)
Selvfornægtelse er en sjælden dyd, som gode mænd prædiker, og gode kvinder praktiserer.Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)
Intet er mere ubehageligt end en dydig person med en ond sjæl.Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)
Forsigtigheden er en rig, gammel jomfru som opvartes af udueligheden.William Blake (1757-1827)
The greatest virtues are those which are most useful to other personsAristoteles (384 f.Kr.-322 f.Kr.)
Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.Bill Davidsen
I always admired virtue - but I could never imitate itCharles II (1630-1685)
The child learns more of the virtues needed in modern life-of fairness, of justice, of comradeship, of collective interest and action-in a common school than can be taught in the most perfect family circleCharlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935)
Virtue is a beautiful thing in woman when they don't go about with it like a child with a drum making all sorts of noise with itDouglas William Jerrold (1803-1857)
Virtue does not always demand a heavy sacrifice-only the willingness to make it when necessary.Frederick Dunn
A state can no more give up part of her sovereignty than a lady can give up part of her virtueJohn Randolph (1915-2004)
The path of a good woman is indeed strewn with flowers; but they rise behind her steps, not before themJohn Ruskin (1819-1900)
Virtue is its own reward. There's a pleasure in doing good which sufficiently pays itself.John Vanbrugh, Sr.
Moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues.Joseph Hall (1574-1656)
The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness, Impatience and HubrisLarry Wall
Virtue, like a dowerless beauty, has more admirers than followers.Lady Marguerite Blessington (1789-1849)
Each must in virtue strive for to excel ; That man lives twice that lives the first life wellRobert Herrick (1868-)
If you are truly persevering in virtue, what is the place of a haughty attitude? The cow which has no milk will not be purchased, even though equipped with a pleasant-sounding bell.Siddha Nagarjuna
Virtues are acquired through endeavor, which rests wholly upon yourself.Sidney Lanier
Virtue herself is her own fairest reward.Silius Italicus
Persevere in virtue and diligence.Titus Maccius Plautus (250 f.Kr.-184 f.Kr.)
For policies, industries, strong towns, and fortifications, it is the mirror of virtue and the garden of Mars; yea, and the light of all Europe, that he who hath exactly trod it may say he hath seen the map of the whole universeWilliam Lithgow (1934-)
Virtue is its own punishmentAneurin Bevan (1897-1960)
Virtue has need of limitsCharles de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
When one ceases from conflict, whether because he has won, because he has lost, or because he cares no more for the game, the virtue passes out of him.Charles Horton Cooley
All my pictures are built around the idea of getting in trouble and so giving me the chance to be desperately serious in my attempt to appear as a normal little gentleman.Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)
In my work, I have never had any use for anything that I have known in advance.Eduardo Chillida
The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues.Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011)
Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republicsJohn Adams (1735-1826)
It is a farce to call any being virtuous whose virtues do not result from the exercise of it's own reasonMary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851)
It is always one's virtues and not one's vices that precipitate one's disasterRebecca West (1892-1983)
Reputation is rarely proportioned to virtue.St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
All of us are experts at practicing virtue at a distance.Theodore Hesburgh (1917-)
Only a fraction of a man's virtues should be enumerated in his presenceThe Talmud
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Beauty without virtue is like a rose without scent.Konfucius (555 f.Kr.-479 f.Kr.)
Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.Konfucius (555 f.Kr.-479 f.Kr.)
As far as I'm concerned, I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue.Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues.Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
What is virtue? It is to hold yourself to your fullest development as a person and as a responsible member of the human communityArthur Dobrin
Once man demanded virtue in woman; now all he expects is that she be discreetSidney Lanier
Virtues are acquired through endeavor, which rests wholly upon yourself.Sidney Lanier
But what is liberty without wisdom, and without virtue? It is the greatest of all possible evils; for it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint.Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.Buddha (563 f.Kr.-483 f.Kr.)
It is easy to perform a good action, but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions.Aristoteles (384 f.Kr.-322 f.Kr.)
Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor liberty to purchase power.Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
The three hardest tasks in the world are neither physical feats nor intellectual achievements, but moral acts: to return love for hate, to include the excluded, and to say, "I was wrong".Sydney J. Harris (1917-)
People with virtue must speak out; People who speak are not all virtuous.Konfucius (555 f.Kr.-479 f.Kr.)
Virtue is not solitary; it is bound to have neighborsKonfucius (555 f.Kr.-479 f.Kr.)
By accident of fortune a man may rule the world for a time, but by virtue of love he may rule the world foreverLao-Tse (604 f.Kr.-531 f.Kr.)
Chastity - you can carry it too farMark Twain (1835-1910)
Virtue is more clearly shown in the performance of fine actions than in the nonperformance of base ones.Aristoteles (384 f.Kr.-322 f.Kr.)
Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience.Adam Smith (1723-1790)
The virtue of deeds lies in completing them.Arabian Proverb
Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy.Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Virtue is persecuted more by the wicked than it is loved by the good.Buddha (563 f.Kr.-483 f.Kr.)
The virtues, like the Muses, are always seen in groups. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.Buddha (563 f.Kr.-483 f.Kr.)
Vice has more martyrs than virtue; and it often happens that men suffer more to be lost than to be savedCharles Caleb Colton (1780-1832)
Virtue never dwells alone; it always has neighborsChinese Proverbs
Virtue is the fount whence honour springs.Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)
The problem in this case was you just can’t be a middle-aged virgin in America without something be wrong with you. People can’t conceive of a virtue in someone else that they can’t conceive in themselves. Instead of believing you’re stronger, it’s so much easier to imagine you’re weaker. You’re addicted to self-abuse. You’re a liar. People are always ready to believe the opposite of what you tell them.Chuck Palahniuk (1961-)
Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error.Dr. Linus Pauling (1901-1994)
Virtue must be valuable, if men and women of all degrees pretend to have itEdgar Watson Howe (1853-1937)
Virtue is like precious odours,- most fragrant when they are incensed or crushed.Francis Bacon, Sr. (1561-1626)
Virtue is like a rich stone, - best plain set.Francis Bacon, Sr. (1561-1626)
Our virtues are most often but our vices disguisedFrançois de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
Virtue is not the absence of vices or the avoidance of moral dangers; virtue is a vivid and separate ting, like pain or a particular smell.G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
Virtue is insufficient temptation.George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Respect for self is the beginning of cultivating virtue in men and women.Gordon B. Hinckley (1910-)
I do not know if she was virtuous, but she was ugly, and with a woman that is half the battleHeinrich Heine (1797-1856)
Expedients are for the hour, but principles are for the ages.Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)
Virtue, dear friend, needs no defense, The surest guard is innocence: None knew, till guilt created fear, What darts or poisoned arrows wereGeorge Horace Lorimer (1867-1937)
Virtue treads paths that end not in the graveJames Russell Lowell (1819-1891)
Virtue is not knowing but doingJapanese Proverb
The person who talks most of his own virtue is often the least virtuousJawaharlal Nehru (om Indira Gandhi) (1889-1964)
What do I owe to my times, to my country, to my neighbors, to my friends? Such are the questions which a virtuous man ought often to ask himself.Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741-1801)
And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warmJohn Dryden (1631-1700)
Virtue may be assailed, but never hurt, Surprised by unjust force, but not enthralled; Yea even that which mischief meant most harm - Shall in the happy trial prove most gloryJohn Milton (1608-1674)
The path of a good woman is indeed strewn with flowers; but they rise behind her steps, not before themJohn Ruskin (1819-1900)
Man is most happy, when his own actions are arguments and examples of his virtue.John Webster (1580-1632)
It is as hard to satirize well a man of distinguished vices, as to praise well a man of distinguished virtuesJonathan Swift (1667-1745)
Virtue has its own reward, but has no sale at the box office.Mae West (1892-1980)
Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.Marcus Aurelius Antonius (121-180)
Virtue is a habit of the mind, consistent with nature and moderation and reason.Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtuesMarcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
In Hollywood a girl's virtue is much less important than her hairdo. You're judged by how you look, not by what you are. Hollywood's a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned doMarilyn Monroe (1926-1962)
It is a farce to call any being virtuous whose virtues do not result from the exercise of it's own reasonMary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851)
The virtue of the soul does not consist in flying high, but walking orderly; grandeur does not exercise itself in grandeur, but in mediocrityMichel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
The resistance of a woman to a man’s advances is not always a sign of virtue. Sometimes it’s just a sign of experience.Ninon de Lenclos (1620-1705)
The virtue which requires to be ever guarded is scarcely worth the sentinelOliver Goldsmith (1730-1774)
Her virtue was that she said what she thought, her vice that what she thought didn't amount to much.Peter Ustinov (1921-2004)
Virtue is its own rewardProverb
The only reward of virtue is virtueRalph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
"I pay my taxes," says somebody, as if that were an act of virtue instead of one of compulsion.Robert G. Menzies
We admire virtue in a woman as long as it doesn’t get in our way.Sacha Guitry (1885-1957)
No people can be great who have ceased to be virtuousSamuel Johnson (1709-1784)
If he does really think that there is no distinction between virtue and vice, why, Sir, when he leaves our houses let us count our spoonsSamuel Johnson (1709-1784)
Virtue is too often merely local.Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and hardihood—the virtues that made America. The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living and the get-rich-quick theory of life.Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)
Virtue is like health: the harmony of the whole man.Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
Virtue is the only true nobility.Thomas Fuller (1608-1661)
Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a viceThomas Paine (1737-1809)
Even virtue is more fair when it appears in a beautiful personVirgil (70 f.Kr.-19 f.Kr.)
Virtue is simply happiness, and happiness is a by-product of function. You are happy when you are functioning.William S. Burroughs (1914-1997)
Assume a virtue if you have it not.William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
So our virtues Lie in the interpretation of the timeWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Angiveriet er den viktigste av våre nye dyder.Honoré Gabriel Riqueti de Mirabeau
Man kan gjøre en dyd av nødvendighet.Spansk Ordtak