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Att kompromissa är att välja ett sämre alterniv än man tänkt sig från börjanGunilla Dahlgren
Given a fair wind, we will negotiate our way into the Common Market, head held high, not crawling in. Negotiations? Yes. Unconditional acceptance of whatever terms are offered us? No.Sir Harold Wilson (1916-1995)
Negotiation in the classic diplomatic sense assumes parties more anxious to agree than to disagreeDean Acheson (1893-1971)
The freedom of the city is not negotiable. We cannot negotiate with those who say, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable."John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963)
I was negotiating a contract to accept Jesus as my personal savior, but he refused to recognize my free sex clauseAl Medwin
Let us never negotiate out of fear. But, let us never fear to negotiate.John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
Start out with an ideal and end up with a deal.Karl Albrecht