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Citat om Farväl

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Du och jag kommer mötas igen, när vi minst anar det, någon dag någonstans, jag kommer att känna igen ditt ansikte, jag säger inte adjö min vän, för du och jag kommer att mötas igen.Tom Petty (1950-)
Farväl, ljuva grymhet.William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Varför kan vi inte få alla personer i världen som vi verkligen tycker om till ett och samma ställe och sen stanna där? Jag gissar på att det inte skulle fungera. Någon skulle gå. Någon går alltid. Och då skulle vi vara tvugna att säga hejdå. Jag hatar farväl. Jag vet vad jag behöver. Jag behöver flera Hej.Snoopy
The return makes one love the farewellAlfred De Musset (1810-1857)
Our evenings are farewells. Our parties are testaments. So that the secret stream of suffering. May warm the cold of life.Boris L. Pasternak (1890-1960)
Good-byes breed a sort of distaste for whomever you say good-bye to; this hurts, you feel, this must not happen againElizabeth Bowen (1899-1973)
Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in this life.Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825)
We only part to meet again.John Gay (1685-1732)
I quit, I give up, nothing's good enough for anybody else, it seems...When I'm all alone it's the best way to be. When I'm by myself nobody else can say goodbye. Everything is temporary anyway.Winnie the Pooh
Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave.Winnie the Pooh
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.Irish Blessings
No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.Robert Southey (1774-1843)
So hold her closer when she cries, hold her closer when she feels. She needs a hand to hold, someone who will never let her go again. And hold him closer when he tries to hold the tears back from his eyes. Don't say goodbye.Tom Petty (1950-)
You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet againTom Petty (1950-)
Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you still feel you can't take it. Never say you don't love the person anymore when you can't let go.Richard David Bach (1936-)
Don't be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.Richard David Bach (1936-)
Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it.Helen Rowland (1876-1950)
When there are lines upon my face from a lifetime of smiles, when the time comes to embrace for one long last while, we can laugh about how time really flies, we won't say goodbye, cause true love never dies. You'll always be beautiful in my eyes.Billy Joel (1949-)
Say goodbye to the oldies, but goodies, because the good old days weren't always good and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seemsBilly Joel (1949-)
A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825)
Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in this life.Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825)
We only part to meet again.John Gay (1685-1732)
Good bye, proud world! I'm going home; Thou art not my friend, and I'm not thineRalph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
The return makes one love the farewellAlfred De Musset (1810-1857)
When I mount the scaffold at last these will be my farewell words to the sheriff: Say what you will against me when I am gone, but don't forget to add, in common justice, that I was never converted to anythingHenry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
So farewell Hope, and with Hope farewell Fear, Farewell Remorse: all Good to me is lost; Evil be thou my GoodJohn Milton (1608-1674)
We will never forget them nor the last time we saw them this morning as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and 'slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.'Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
Du och jag kommer mötas igen, när vi minst anar det, någon dag någonstans, jag kommer att känna igen ditt ansikte, jag säger inte adjö min vän, för du och jag kommer att mötas igen.Tom Petty (1950-)
Farväl, ljuva grymhet.William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Varför kan vi inte få alla personer i världen som vi verkligen tycker om till ett och samma ställe och sen stanna där? Jag gissar på att det inte skulle fungera. Någon skulle gå. Någon går alltid. Och då skulle vi vara tvugna att säga hejdå. Jag hatar farväl. Jag vet vad jag behöver. Jag behöver flera Hej.Snoopy
The return makes one love the farewellAlfred De Musset (1810-1857)
Our evenings are farewells. Our parties are testaments. So that the secret stream of suffering. May warm the cold of life.Boris L. Pasternak (1890-1960)
Good-byes breed a sort of distaste for whomever you say good-bye to; this hurts, you feel, this must not happen againElizabeth Bowen (1899-1973)
Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in this life.Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825)
We only part to meet again.John Gay (1685-1732)
I quit, I give up, nothing's good enough for anybody else, it seems...When I'm all alone it's the best way to be. When I'm by myself nobody else can say goodbye. Everything is temporary anyway.Winnie the Pooh
Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave.Winnie the Pooh
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.Irish Blessings
No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.Robert Southey (1774-1843)
So hold her closer when she cries, hold her closer when she feels. She needs a hand to hold, someone who will never let her go again. And hold him closer when he tries to hold the tears back from his eyes. Don't say goodbye.Tom Petty (1950-)
You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet againTom Petty (1950-)