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Citat om Filosofi

Citat Sagt av
"Bli den du är", skrev Nietzsche. Och han blev galen.Gérard Bauër (1888-1965)
"Gud är död." /Nietzsche - "Nietzsche är död." /GudEpiktetos (50-140)
All filosofi ryms i två ord: uthållighet och avhållsamhet.Epiktetos (50-140)
Allt måste tas på allvar, ingenting tragiskt.Adolphe Thiers
Att fiska är den enda filosofi man blir mätt av.Peter Bamm
Att sprattla med benen och säga hoppla uppfattas ofta som ett tecken på livsglädje.Robert Storm Petersen (1882-1949)
Att tänka är att samtala med sig själv.Spanskt ordspråk
Babyfilosofi: om det stinker, så byt det.Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)
De viktiga saker som har sagts till människor har alltid varit enkla saker.Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)
Den gyllene medelvägen är den förmedlande länken, förbindelseleden som slutar i blindo.Helmut Arntzen
Den kinesiska filosofen är en man som drömmer med det ena ögat öppet.Lin Yutang (1895-1976)
Den som aldrig tänker färdigt får aldrig någonting gjort.Italienskt ordspråk
Den som vill fylla en teater använder sig av dramaturgi. För att tömma den räcker det med ideologi.Oliver Hassencamp (1921-1988)
Den söta mjölken när motgång bränner din hud- FilosofiWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Den vise lyser utan att blända andra.Chuang Tzu
Det filosofiska vinet har en motsatt verkan emot druvans: den som dricker litet blir drucken; nykter den som tömmer hela pokalen.Carl Jonas Love Almqvist (1793-1866)
Det finns inget så absurt att inte en filosof har sagt det.Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
Det har ännu inte existerat en filosof som tålmodigt uthärdat tandvärk.William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Det som skiljer människorna åt är ofta samma ideologi.George F. Kennan
Det sägs att barn bör undervisas i filosofi. Men skulle det inte vara bättre om filosoferna blev satta på prov av barnen?Terje Johanssen (1942-)
Det är enklare att författa tio band filosofi än att omsätta en enda grundsats i praktiken.Lev (Leo) Nikolajevitsj Tolstoj (1828-1910)
Det är lätt att sätta ihop en filosofi. Den behöver ju inte fungera.Charles Franklin Kettering (1876-1958)
Det är lättare att skriva tio band filosofi än att genomföra en enda grundsats i praktiken.Lev (Leo) Nikolajevitsj Tolstoj (1828-1910)
Det är lättare att skriva tio band filosofi än att omsätta en enda teori i praktiken.Count Leo Lev Nikolgevich Tolstoy (1828-1910)
En aforism är en filosofisk essay i abnorm förkortning.Carl Hammarén (1922-1990)
En besvärlig hustru kan göra en man till filosof.François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778)
En filosof utan uppriktighet är bara en politiker. François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778)
En ideologi som bygger på personliga erfarenheter är ren idioti.Hans Habe
Enligt min mening ska filosofen vara en krydda, som i små doser tillsätts konsten och livet.Boris L. Pasternak (1890-1960)
Ett yttrande kallas djupt när det inte är spirituellt.Jules Renard (1864-1910)
Filosofens lott är att sitta nykter vid de berusades gille.Olle Holmberg (1893-1974)
Filosoferna har endast på olika sätt förklarat världen, men vad det gäller är att förändra den.Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Filosoferna är anatomer mer än läkare; de dissekerar men de hotar inte.Antoine de Rivaroli (1753-1801)
Filosofi går inte att förklara för ett barn. Hur vet du det. // Sebastian Nyström ÖsterAgnar Mykle
Filosofi kallar man den snillrika översättningen av det oförklarliga till det obegripliga.Hans Clarin
Filosofi kallar man den snillrika översättningen av det oförklarliga till det obegrippliga.Hans Clarin
Filosofi kallar man en snillrik översättning av det oförklarliga till det obegripliga.Hans Clarin
Filosofi är att i ett mörkt rum försöka fånga en svart katt som inte finns där. Teologi är att i ett mörkt rum försöka fånga en svart katt som inte finns där medan man ropar: "Jag har den!"Pablo Cruz
Filosofi är att i ett mörkt rum försöka fånga en svart katt som inte finns där. Teologi är att i ett mörkt rum försöka fånga en svart katt som inte finns där medan man ropar: "Jag har den."Pablo Cruz
Filosofi är den ljuvaste musik.Platon (427 f.Kr.-348 f.Kr.)
Filosofi är den vetenskap som arbetar med sanning.Aristoteles (384 f.Kr.-322 f.Kr.)
Filosofi är egentligen hemlängtan, en längtan att känna sig hemma överallt.Novalis (1772-1801)
Filosofi är en lek utan regler, men med ett mål. Matematik är en lek med regler, men inget mål.Pablo Cruz
Filosofi är som att i ett mörkt rum försöka fånga en svart katt som inte finns där. Teologi är som att i ett mörkt rum försöka fånga en svart katt som inte finns där medan man ropar: "Jag har den!"Pablo Cruz
Filosofi är sunt förnuft i frack.François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778)
Filosofi: obegripliga svar på olösliga problem.François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778)
Filosofin läker inte, men den tröstar. Redan det är ju mycket.François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778)
Filosofin och dumheten är lika gamla som människan, och filosofin är i grund och botten inget annat än en raffinerad och omständig form av dumhet.Erich Kästner
Filosofin är en kamp mot förhäxningen av vår intelligens genom språket.George Meunier
Filosofin är ett Eiffeltorn på kvicksand.George Meunier
Filosofins frukter, inte filosofin själv. När vi frågar vad klockan är vill vi inte veta hur urverket är konstruerat.Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799)
Fundera tar längsta tiden, sa skräddarn när han sydde byxor.Svenskt ordspråk
God morgon, Puh, om det nu är en god morgon, vilket jag betvivlar. (Ior)A. A. Milne (1882-1956)
Han var en drömmare, en tänkare, en spekulativ filosof, eller, som hans fru brukade säga, en idiot.Douglas Adams (1952-2001)
Hur kan filosofien vara överklassens vän? Jo, överklassen betalar filosoferna för att de endast skola upptäcka behagliga sanningar.August Strindberg (1849-1912)
Ideologi: Ett sätt att förlänga puberteten.Oliver Hassencamp (1921-1988)
Ideologi: Filosofi sammansatt av monteringsfärdiga delar.Horst Dieter Schlosser
Ideologier skäller på varandra men de bits inte.Robert Musil (1880-1942)
Ideologier är beväpnade idéer.Ignazio Sitone
Ideologin förhåller sig till livet som en beskrivning av biff förhåller sig till själva biffen.Tennessee Williams (1911-1983)
Ideologin är det som förser illdådet med den eftersträvade bortförklaringen och missdådaren med den nödvändiga uthålligheten och orubbligheten. En samhällsdoktrin som hjälper honom att inför sig själv och andra två sina händer och i stället för fördömande skörda heder och ära.Aleksandr Solsjenitsyn
Ingenting är så absurdt att inte en filosof har sagt det.Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
Jag har en enkel filosofi. Fyll det som är tomt. Töm det som är fullt. Och klia dig där det kliar.Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Jag har en enkel filosofi: Fyll det som är tomt, töm det som är fullt och klia där det kliar.Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Jag har också försökt bli filosof, men mitt glada humör kom alltid i vägen. Oliver Edwards (1711-1791)
Jag tror att dåliga filosofer kan ha ett visst inflytande, goda filosofer aldrig.Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
Jag tänker, alltså är jag.Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
Jag vet att jag vet att jag ingenting vet.Sokrates (470 f.Kr.-399 f.Kr.)
Ju mer filosoferna talar, desto mer förvirrade blir vi.Lin Yutang (1895-1976)
Klarhet är filosofernas ärlighet.Luc de Clapiers Vauvenargues (1715-1747)
Koncentration är den ostört inåtvända förvillelsen.Hans Arndt
Medan de visa filosoferar, lever dårarna.Louisa M. Alcott
Min definition av en filosof är en man i en ballong medan familj och vänner håller fast i de rep som förbinder honom med jorden och försöker dra ner honom.Louisa M. Alcott
Mindre är mer.Robert Browning (1812-1889)
Mitt sinne befinner sig i ett tillstånd av filosofiskt tvivel.St. Coleridge (1772-1834)
Människan är en lärling, smärtan dess mästare.Alfred De Musset (1810-1857)
Nu för tiden finns det professorer i filosofi, men det finns inga filosofer.August Strindberg (1849-1912)
Om några obehagliga sanningar upptäckas av filosofen? Så kallas de för lögner, och filosofen betalas icke.August Strindberg (1849-1912)
Pessimisten ser bara molnens mörka sida och dystrar till. Filosofen ser både den ljusa och den mörka sidan och rycker på axlarna. Optimisten ser inte molnen alls - han går på dem.Francis Bacon (1909-1992)
Platon: ska det stjälas äpplen ska det Pallas Athena.Francis Bacon (1909-1992)
Poeterna tillhandahåller pärlorna - filosoferna tråden.Francis Bacon (1909-1992)
Utan filosofi bryr jag mig inte om att leva.Francis Bacon (1909-1992)
Vad är filosofi? Ett sökande efter sanningen.August Strindberg (1849-1912)
Var filosof, men var människa i all din filosofi.David Hume (1711-1776)
Varje filosofi som kan sammanfattas i ett nötskal, hör hemma där.Sydney J. Harris (1917-)
Våra viktigaste tankar är de som motsäger våra känslor.Paul Valéry (1871-1945)
Är glaset halvtomt, halvfullt eller dubbelt så stort som det behöver vara?A. A. Milne (1882-1956)
Man kan aldrig vide, hvad bier tænker.A. A. Milne (1882-1956)
Alt hvad jeg med sikkerhed ved om moral og menneskets grundvilkår har jeg fra fodbold... Jeg fandt snart ud af, at bolden aldrig kommer der, hvor man regner med det. Det hjalp mig senere i livet.Albert Camus (1913-1960)
Det er ikke filosofferne, men filatelisterne som er samfundets grundpillerAldous Huxley (1894-1963)
Alle er sindsyge, men den, der kan analysere sine vildfarelser, kaldes en filosof.Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
Filosofferne er anatomer mere end læger. De dissekerer, men de helbreder ikke.Antoine de Rivaroli (1753-1801)
Døden er filosofiens inspirerende genius. Hvis døden ikke fandtes, ville ingen beskæftige sig med filosofi.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)
Ydmyghed består ikke i at fornægte sig selv, men i at vedkende sig sin handlingAntoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)
En filosofisk succes ville for mig være det mest pinlige og latterlige, jeg kunne opnå. Det ville være som at give en mand, der elsker kvinder, verdens flotteste voksmannequin med rigtigt hår.Asger Jorn
Filosofien er i dag skrumpet ind til at være videnskaben om filosofiens historie.Asger Jorn
Jeg tror, at dårlige filosoffer kan have en vis indflydelse, men aldrig gode filosoffer.Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
Ikke at synes om filosofi er at være en ægte filosof.Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Mennesket er blot et siv. Det svageste i naturen. Men det er et tænkende siv.Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Kun ved hjælp af bevidstheden kan man bestemme, om ting virkelig eksisterer eller ej.Boethius
Filosofien skulle være vores elskerinde, ikke vores herre.C.S. Lewis (1898-1963)
Det er let at sammensætte en filosofi. Den behøver jo ikke fungere.Charles Franklin Kettering (1876-1958)
Jeg har udviklet en ny filosofi. Jeg gruer kun for én dag ad gangen.Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000)
Jeg gør alting til ingenting og får alting igen. Jeg gør ingenting til alting og får ingenting igenDan Turèll
Rolig, Mand: Der er altid MERE at misteDan Turèll
Der bliver aldrig en filosof af ham; han gentager sig selv for sjældent.Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
Er der en tanke, det var værd ikke at tænke igen?Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
Filosoffernes dybsindigste tanker minder noget om tricks. Meget forsvinder, for at der pludselig kan være noget i hånden.Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
Filosoffernes indbyrdes hilsen burde være: Giv dig tid.Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
Han lytter til de sidste tanker i verdensrummet.Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
Ofte bliver hans egen skygge for tung for ham.Elias Canetti (1905-1994)
Filosofien og dumheden er lige så gamle som mennesket. Og filosofien er i bund og grund ikke andet end en raffineret og omstændig form for dumhed.Erich Kästner
Det er lige så let at bedrage sig selv uden at mærke det, som det er svært at bedrage andre, uden at de mærker det.François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
Det er vigtigere at studere menneskets end brøker.François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
Det, som gør andres forfængelighed så utålelig for os, er, at den sårer vor egen.François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
Den sande vej går over en line, der ikke er udspændt i højden, men lige over jorden. Den ser mere ud til at være bestemt til at snuble over end til at gå på.Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
En undredes over, hvor let han gik ad evighedens vej. Han røg nemlig ned ad den.Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
Han troede, han havde lavet en statue, men han havde blot hele tiden hugget i den samme rille af ensporethed, men endnu mere af hjælpeløshed.Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
Kan du da kende noget andet end bedrag? Bliver bedraget en gang udslettet, må du jo ikke se derhen, eller du bliver til en saltstøtte.Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
Som en vej om efteråret. Aldrig så snart er den fejet ren, førend den igen dækkes af de tørre blade.Franz Kafka (1883-1924)
Frygten er moralismens moder.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)
Filosofiens frugter, ikke filosofien selv. Når vi spørger, hvad klokken er, vil vi ikke vide, hvordan urværket fungerer.Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799)
Nogle mennesker læser, fordi de er for dovne til at tænke.Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799)
Filosofi er et Eiffeltårn på kviksand.George Meunier
Alle tanker er bare en fodnote til Platon.George Santayana (1863-1952)
Teologien er filosofiens datter, som forsøger at slå sin mor ihjel.Giovanni Battista Niccolini
Der er ikke kun Islams ekstremisme. Den amerikanske præsidents kategorier om godt og ondt har også en fanatisk, religiøs baggrund.Günter Grass (1927-)
Filosofi kalder man den åndrige oversættelse af det uforklarlige til det uforståelige.Hans Clarin
Filosofi er at formulere uforståelige svar på uløselige problemer.Henry Brooks Adams (1838-1918)
Sjælen er ens i alle levende væsner, selv om kroppen er forskellig.Hippokrates
Kend dig selv. Hvis jeg kendte mig selv, ville jeg løbe bortJohann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
Dit sind er som en faldskærm. Det virker kun, når det er foldet ud!John Engelbrecht
Formålet med at tænke anderledes end i går adskiller den kloge fra den ukloge.John Steinbeck (1902-1968)
Hvorfra? - Hvorhen? Hvorfor? - Hvorledes? Disse spørgsmål er indbegrebet af filosofi.Joseph Joubert (1754-1824)
Ønsker du et bedre syn, så forsøg at se det bedste i folk.K. Hughes
Filosofferne har kun fortolket verden forskelligt. Men det, som det kommer an på, er at forandre den.Karl Marx mamma (1818-1883)
Man skal ikke tage tingene så tragisk, som de er.Karl Valentin
Min livsfilosofi har aldrig givet mig noget, men den har sparet mig for meget.Knut Hamsun (1859-1952)
Jeg er ingen filosof, men bare en lille jøde fra Los Angeles. Mit bedste bud til folk er: Duk jer, når lortet flyver jer om ørerne.Leonard Cohen (1934-)
At filosofere er blot en anden måde at være bange på, og resulterer ikke i stort andet end gement blændværk.Louis Ferdinand Celine (1894-1961)
Min definition på en filosof er et menneske oppe i en ballon, mens familie og venner holder i rebene, som binder ham til jorden og prøver at hale ham ned.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
Hvad mening er der i at drive filosofi, hvis den ikke hjælper dig til at forbedre din tænkning om det daglige liv.Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
For religionen er kun det hellige sandt, for filosofien kun det sande helligt.Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
Alt som kan siges, kan siges klart.Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
Måske er vi dybest set bedst tjent med at undvære ideologiernes forskruede utopier og i stedet lære at leve med fornemmelsen af retningsløshed.Mads Storgaard Jensen
Der samles ikke støv på den, som er ude i blæsevejr.Magnus von Platen (1920-)
Intet er så absurd eller latterligt, at det ikke på et eller andet tidspunkt er blevet sagt af en eller anden filosof.Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
Kærlighedens videnskab er hjertets filosofi.Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
Nogle mennesker giver deres sorger svømmeundervisning, i stedet for at drukne dem.Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Alle tanker er børn af begæret.Martinus
Kun de kloge er i besiddelse af ideer. De fleste mennesker er besatte af ideer.Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Filosofien har, ligesom lægevidenskaben, en masse stimulanser, få gode hjælpemidler og næsten ingen egentlige kure.Nicolas-Sébastien Roch de Chamfort (1741-1794)
Filosofi er forsøget på i et mørkt rum at indfange en sort kat, der slet ikke er der. Teologi er forsøget på i et mørkt rum at indfange en sort kat, der slet ikke er der, mens man råber: Jeg har den.Pablo Cruz
Den eneste grund til, at nogle mennesker fortaber sig i tanker, er, at det er ukendt land.Paul Fix (1901-1983)
Takket være Bibelen har vi lært at stille spørgsmålene. Men svarene finder vi i Peter Plys.Per Olov Enquist (1934-)
At fiske er den eneste filosofi man kan blive mæt af.Peter Bamm
En filosof, der er meget nymodens, bliver snart meget gammeldags.Poul Martin Møller (1794-1838)
Vær tavs - eller sig noget, der er bedre end tavshed.Pythagoras (569 f.Kr.-475 f.Kr.)
Tanken formår at nedbryde enhver skranke, kroppen har rejst.Roger Godel
At tage fejl er blot en erhvervsrisiko ved at være filosof.Ronald Laura
Det vi søger, finder os.Sam Besekow
Lad ham, som vil bevæge verden, først bevæge sig selv.Sokrates (470 f.Kr.-399 f.Kr.)
At skrive en Bog er i vore Tider det Letteste af Alt, naar man efter Skik og Brug tager 10 ældre der handler om den samme Materie, og derudad sammenskriver den 11te om den samme Materie.Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Forstandighed: Thi det gjelder bestandigt, at ethvert Menneske kun fatter hvad han har brug for.Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Frihedens Mulighed forkynder sig i Angesten.Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Lediggang som saadan er ingenlunde Roden til alt Ondt, tværtimod, den er et sandt guddommeligt Liv, naar man ikke keder sig.Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Mennesket vil hellere lide, end tilstå, at Det har uret.Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Philosophien skyder for hvert Skridt, den giør, en Ham af sig og deri krybe de daarligere Tilhængere ind.Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
Kender De noget til Søren Kierkegaard? - Nej, jeg kommer kun paa Assistens!Robert Storm Petersen (1882-1949)
Naar man saadan sidder og ikke tænker paa noget - det maa vel være det, man kalder for at filosofereRobert Storm Petersen (1882-1949)
En filosofi er karakteristisk derved, at den snarere formulerer problemerne end løser dem.Susanne K. Langer
Spor, som en gang er blevet indprentet i hukommelsen, er uforgængelige.Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859)
En af de værste plager for den menneskelige natur er den plage, som en ny ide forårsager.Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)
Et hår på hovedet er bedre end to på børsten.William Hazlitt (1778-1830)
Kun de, som ikke behøver noget, fortjener et monument.William Hazlitt (1778-1830)
Mange tror, at de tænker, men i virkeligheden ommøblerer de blot deres fordomme.William James (1842-1910)
Endnu har der ikke levet nogen filosof, som var til at holde ud, når han havde tandpine.William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Hvor tandpinen begynder, holder filosofien opWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Psychiatry's chief contribution to philosophy is the discovery that the toilet is the seat of the soul.Alexander Chase
Be anchored to some ideal, philosophy or cause that keeps you too excited to sleepBrian Koslow
History is philosophy teaching by example.Dionysius (1261-)
The old philosophy was that parents, especially mothers, caused their kids to become schizophrenic. Now we see that when a kid is this crazy, he'll make the family begin to seem crazy.Dr. John Talbott
There are very few original thinkers in the world; the greatest part of those who are called philosophers have adopted the opinions of some who went before them.Dugald Stewert
Philosophical systems? Even the most impressive of them are uncomfortably seated on a throne of rock bottom stupidity, that self-inflicted narrow-mindness which renders a mind capable of believing that it, a part of the immense world, could absoluteErich Heller
One of my favorite philosophical tenets is that people will agree with you only if they already agree with you. You do not change people's minds.Frank Zappa (1940-1993)
Philosophy is concerned with the undermining and questioning of dogmas, whereas religion is all about accepting and supporting them.Jim Hankinson
Philosophy is to the real world as masturbation is to sexKarl Marx mamma (1818-1883)
Philosophy is like trying to open a safe with a combination lock: each little adjustment of the dials seems to achieve nothing, only when everything is in place does the door open.Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
You don't approach a case with the philosophy of applying abstract justice-you go in to winPercy Foreman
When I discover who I am, I'll be free.Ralph Ellison (1914-)
I decided to teach because I think that any person who studies philosophy has to be involved activelyAngela Davis (1933-)
Get the hell out of my way!Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger portion of the truth arises from the seemingly irrelevantEdgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
When the philosopher's argument becomes tedious, complicated, and opaque, it is usually a sign that he is attempting to prove as true to the intellect what is plainly false to common senseEdward Abbey (1927-1989)
The conception of worth, that each person is an end per se, is not a mere abstraction. Our interest in it is not merely academic. Every outcry against the oppression of some people by other people, or against what is morally hideous is the affirmation of the principle that a human being as such is not to be violated. A human being is not to be handled as a tool but is to be respected and revered. The Ethical Philosophy of LifeFelix Adler (1851-1933)
Philosophy is not a theory but an activityLudwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
You can't do without philosophy, since everything has its hidden meaning which we must knowMaxim Gorky (1868-1936)
Philosophy is properly home-sickness; the wish to be everywhere at home.Novalis (1772-1801)
When he who hears does not know what he who speaks means, and when he who speaks does not know what he himself means, that is philosophyFrançois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778)
Just as philosophy is the study of other people's misconceptions, so history is the study of other people's mistakesPhillip Guedala
Philosophy is the science which considers truthAristoteles (384 f.Kr.-322 f.Kr.)
Philosophy is an elegant thing, if anyone modestly meddles with it; but if they are conversant with it more than is becoming, it corrupts them.Platon (427 f.Kr.-348 f.Kr.)
One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes ... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962)
Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger portion of the truth arises from the seemingly irrelevantEdgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
Really, the fundamental, ultimate mystery -- the only thing you need to know to understand the deepest metaphysical secrets -- is this: that for every outside there is an inside and for every inside there is an outside, and although they are different, they go together.Alan Watts (1915-1973)
Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligentlyKarl Marx mamma (1818-1883)
Philosophy is to the real world as masturbation is to sexKarl Marx mamma (1818-1883)
The man of science is a poor philosopher.Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
One of my favorite philosophical tenets is that people will agree with you only if they already agree with you. You do not change people's minds.Frank Zappa (1940-1993)
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change itKarl Marx mamma (1818-1883)
Philosophy is like trying to open a safe with a combination lock: each little adjustment of the dials seems to achieve nothing, only when everything is in place does the door open.Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
Philosophy, rightly defined, is simply the love of wisdom.Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
Finding bad reasons for what one believes for other bad reasons - that's philosophyAldous Huxley (1894-1963)
I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber of established religionBaruch Spinoza (1632-1677)
Be anchored to some ideal, philosophy or cause that keeps you too excited to sleepBrian Koslow
Philosophy is not a theory but an activityLudwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
Philosophy is doubtMichel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
Philosophers have argued for centuries about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but materialists have always known it depends on whether they are jitterbugging or dancing cheek to cheekTom Robbins (1936-)
"Jeg ville gemme en lille smule til min fødselsdag", sagde han, "men når alt kommer til alt, hvad er en fødselsdag? Her i dag og borte i morgen. Værsgo, Tigger"A. A. Milne (1882-1956)
'How can I be more like you?' she asked the guru. 'The best way to be more like me is to be more like you,' the guru replied.Alan Cohen
I would not think that philosophy and reason themselves will be man's guide in the foreseeable future; however, they will remain the most beautiful sanctuary they have always been for the select fewAlbert Einstein (1879-1955)
The Perennial Philosophy is expressed most succinctly in the Sanskrit formula, tat tvam asi ('That art thou'); the Atman, or immanent eternal Self, is one with Brahman, the Absolute Principle of all existence; and the last end of every human being, is to discover the fact for himself, to find out who he really is.Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
Knowing who in fact we are results in Good Being, and Good Being results in the most appropriate kind of good doing. But good doing does not of itself result in Good Being. We can be virtuous without knowing who in fact we are. The beings who are merely good are not Good Beings; they are just pillars of society.Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. The Gita is one of the clearest and most comprehensive summaries of the spiritual thoughts ever to have been made.Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
Finding bad reasons for what one believes for other bad reasons - that's philosophyAldous Huxley (1894-1963)
Psychiatry's chief contribution to philosophy is the discovery that the toilet is the seat of the soul.Alexander Chase
Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains.Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947)
I have a simple philosophy. Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. And scratch where it itches.Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing.Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
By the time a philospher answers a question we’ve usually forgotten what was asked.André Gide (1869-1951)
A culture is made -- or destroyed -- by its articulate voices.Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
So, the path of the co-creator is to be awakened spiritually within, which then turns into your own deeper life purpose, which then makes you want to reach out and touch others in a way that expresses self and really evolves our communities and our world. Certainly, we can't do that unless we activate ourselves first. That's why, for me, emergence is the shift from ego to essence. That is so important.Barbara Marx Hubbard
I do not know how to teach philosophy without becoming a disturber of established religionBaruch Spinoza (1632-1677)
The point of philosophy is to start with something so simple as not to seem worth stating, and to end with something so paradoxical that no one will believe it.Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
There is little of the true philosophic spirit in Aquinas. He does not, like the Platonic Socrates, set out to follow wherever the argument may lead.Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
Philosophy is an unusually ingenious attempt to think fallaciouslyBertrand Russell (1872-1970)
On the one hand, philosophy is to keep us thinking about things that we may come to know, and on the other hand to keep us modestly aware of how much that seems like knowledge isn't knowledgeBertrand Russell (1872-1970)
A process which led from the amoebae to man appeared to the philosophers to be obviously a progress - though whether the amoebae would agree with this opinion is not known.Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
There's a basic philosophy here that by empowering...workers you'll make their jobs far more interesting, and they'll be able to work at a higher level than they would have without all that information just a few clicks away.Bill Gates (1955-)
I cannot forgive Descartes. In all his philosophy he would have been quite willing to dispense with God. But he had to make Him give a fillip to set the world in motion; beyond this, he has no further need of God.Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior is finally discredited and abandoned...WAR! So that is prophecy, and everyone know that is truth. And it came out of the mouth of Rastafari.Bob Marley (1945-1981)
Do not think of how big the universe is, it will merely hurt your head.Buddha (563 f.Kr.-483 f.Kr.)
The Christian West considers man to be wholly dependent upon the grace of God, or at least upon the Church as the exclusive and divinely sanctioned earthly instrument of man's redemption. The East (India), however, insists that man is the sole cause of his higher development, for it believes in "self- liberation."Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)
Dreams do come trueChuck Wagner (1958-)
The story the Leavers have been enacting for the past three million years isn’t a story of conquest and rule. Enacting it doesn’t give them power. Enacting it gives them lives that are satisfying and meaningful to them. This is what you’ll find if you go among them. They’re not seething with discontent and rebellion, not incessantly wrangling over what should be allowed and what forbidden, not forever accusing each other of not living the right way, not living in terror of each other not going crazy because their lives seem empty and pointless, not having to stupefy themselves with drugs to get through the days, not having a new religion every week to give them something to hold on to, not forever searching for something to do or something to believe in that will make lives worth living. And – I repeat – this is not because they live close to nature or have no formal government or because they’re innately noble. This is simply because they’re enacting a story that works well for people – a story that worked well for three million years and that still works well where the Takers haven’t yet managed to stamp it out.Daniel Quinn
Identity is such a crucial affair that one shouldn't rush into it.David Quammen
Descartes said: "I think, therefore I am." Helvetius wants to say: "I feel, therefore I want to feel pleasantly." I prefer Hobbes who claims that in order to draw a conclusion which takes us somewhere, we must say, "I feel, I think, I judge; therefore, a part of organized matter like me is capable of feeling, thinking, and judging."Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
You can't explain the unknown in terms of the incomprehensible.Dr. Theodore Schick
Socrates was killed… by his own people. He was! [Nods head]. Coz he questioned everything… ‘When is a house a house?’ ‘Just chill-out will you?’ ‘If I’m out of the house am I chilling-out? Am I chilling-in if I’m in the house? Ugg, ahhh.’ [Sword stabbing & dying mime]. ‘What is a sword? Is it made of folded metal?' [Wobbly knees]. 'If I die on the floor can I get up in these heels?’Eddie Izzard (1962-)
The essence of philosophy is that a man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things.Epictetus (55-135)
Let no one delay the study of philosophy while young nor weary of it when oldEpicurus
Philosophy, when superficially studied, excites doubt; when thoroughly explored, it dispels itFrancis Bacon, Sr. (1561-1626)
Philosophy is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes ... We cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in the mathematical language ... without whosGalileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Dialectics gives expression to a law which is felt in all grades of consciousness and in general experience. Everything that surrounds us may be viewed as an instance of dialectic. We are aware that everything finite, instead of being inflexible, is rather changeable and transient; and this is exactly what we mean by the dialectic of the finite, by which the finite, as implicitly other than it is, is forced to surrender its own immediate or natural being, and turn suddenly into its opposite.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
The state of man's mind, or the elementary phase of mind which he so far possesses, conforms precisely to the state of the world as he so far views it.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
The God to whom depth in philosophy bring back men's minds is far from being the same from whom a little philosophy estranges themGeorge Santayana (1863-1952)
Philosophers are as jealous as women; each wants a monopoly of praiseGeorge Santayana (1863-1952)
Every present state of a simple substance is the natural consequence of its preceding state, in such a way that its present is big with its future.Gottfried Leibniz
In philosophy, it is not the attainment of the goal that matters, it is the things that are met along the wayHenry Havelock Ellis (1859-1939)
To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but to so love wisdom as to live according to its dictates a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust.Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Poetry implies the whole truth, philosophy expresses only a particle of it.Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
No-one can compel me to be happy in accordance with his conception of the welfare of others, for each may seek his happiness in whatever way he sees fit, so long as he does not infringe upon the freedom of others to pursue a similar end which can be reconciled with the freedom of everyone else within a workable general law – i.e. he must accord to others the same right as he enjoys himself.Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
That Logic has advanced in this sure course, even from the earliest times, is apparent from the fact that, since Aristotle, it has been unable to advance a step, and thus to all appearance has reached its completion.Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
We have limited knowledge, or else science and philosophy would not be necessary.Ivan Urlaub
The most beautiful philosophical song existing in any known tongue.J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967)
It (modern philosophy) certainly exacts a surrender of all supernaturalism and fixed dogma and rigid institutionalism with which Christianity has been historically associatedJohn Dewey (1859-1952)
Philosophy will clip an angel's wings.John Keats (1795-1821)
How charming is divine philosophy! Not harsh and crabbed, as dull fools suppose, But musical as is Apollo's lute, And a perpetual feast of nectar'd sweets Where no crude surfeit reignsJohn Milton (1608-1674)
“The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.”John Muir (1838-1914)
There is only one way, really, to get into a state of living, and that's live! There is no substitute for an all-out, over-the-ramparts, howling charge against life. That's living. Living does not consist of sitting in a temple in the shadows and getting rheumatism from the cold stones. Living is hot, it's fast, it's often brutal! It has a terrific gamut of emotional reactions. If you are really willing to live, you first have to be willing to do anything that consists of living. Weird. But it's one of those awfully true things that you wonder why one has to say it. And yet it has to be said.L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986)
The best way to know any future is to cause one. And that’s why, you see, when you start consulting the oracle at Delphi, you’ve taken a step downhill. You have assigned cause for the future elsewhere...So one predicts the future as much as one is cause. The future isn’t a pattern laid out to abuse and bully you. The future is a beautiful playground that nobody happen to be combining. You talk about virgin territory – the most virgin territory there is, is the future. You can do anything you want with it.L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986)
All disturbance and chaos folds up in the teeth of truth.Don’t ever try to stop truth. It’s the only thing that can go through 16-inch armor plate.L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986)
You may have been taught that the mind (the spirit, the brain) is a very difficult thing to know about. This is the first principle of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life.L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986)
Tao invariably takes no action, and yet there is nothing left undone.Lao Tzu
My definition [of a philosopher] is of a man up in a balloon, with his family and friends holding the ropes which confine him to earth and trying to haul him down.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
My only wish is…to transform friends of God into friends of man, believers into thinkers, devotees of prayer into devotees of work, candidates for the hereafter into students of the world, Christians who, by their own procession and admission, are "half animal, half angel" into persons, into whole persons.Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872)
A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ringLudwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
For an answer which cannot be expressed the question too cannotbe expressed. The riddle does not exist. If a question can beput at all, then it can also be answered.Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
Philosophy, rightly defined, is simply the love of wisdom.Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
Where is Philosophy sleeping this saturday afternoon? Are the philosophers already dead? Are the poets gone from the planet? I look through the window and all I see are advertisments.Mariana Fulger
Wonder is the foundation of all philosophy, inquiry the progress, ignorance the endMichel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
According to the saying of an ancient philosopher, one should eat to live, and not live to eatMolière (1622-1673)
Philosophy is the stray camel of the faithful; take hold of it wherever ye come across itMuhammad
It is a curious subject of observation and inquiry, whether hatred and love be not the same thing at the bottom. Each, in its utmost development, supposes a high degree of intimacy and heart-knowledge; each renders one individual dependent for the food of his affections and spiritual life upon another; each leaves the passionate lover, or the no less passionate hater, forlorn and desolate by the withdrawal of his object. Philosophically considered, therefore, the two passions seem essentially the same, except that one happens to be seen in a celestial radiance and the other in a dusky and lurid glow.Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)
The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
Bread for myself is a material question. Bread for my neighbor is a spiritual one.Nikolai Berdyaev
The man form is higher than the angel form; of all forms it is the highest. Man is the highest being in creation, because he aspires to freedom.Paramahansa Yogananda
You don't approach a case with the philosophy of applying abstract justice-you go in to winPercy Foreman
Just as philosophy is the study of other people's misconceptions, so history is the study of other people's mistakes.Phillip Guedala
Philosophy is the highest music.Platon (427 f.Kr.-348 f.Kr.)
Dubito ergo cogito; cogito ergo sum.(I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am)Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
Aldo Leopold, the early 20th century's Henry David Thoreau, said that we should think like a mountain, with a sense of permanence and a long view. At the beginning of the 21st century, we are at a peak of human power, wealth and information... We need to look back at our wonderful natural and human heritage, and cherish and protect the abundant values to be found there. We need to look out to the sides and see other parts of the world that need our help and can provide good ideas to go forward... We need to look ahead to be certain that our actions of today will make the world a better and richer and more varied place for our grandchildren and their grandchildren.Robert Bateman (1930-)
From each as they choose, to each as they are chosen.Robert Nozick
There is no social entity with a good that undergoes some sacrifice for its own good. There are only individual people, different individual people, with their own individual lives. Using one of these people for the benefit of others, uses him and benefits the others. Nothing more.Robert Nozick
Whoever makes something having bought or contracted for all other held resources used in the process (transferring some of his holdings for these cooperating factors), is entitled to it. The situation is not one of something’s getting made, and there being an open question of who is to get it. Things come into the world already attached to people having entitlements over them.Robert Nozick
There's no life without humour. It can make the wonderful moments of life truly glorious, and it can make tragic moments bearable.Rufus Wainwright (1973-)
Boredom is the root of all evil - the despairing refusal to be oneself.Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
As women, however, we need to look very closely at these philosophies and ask ourselves the hard-headed, critial question, "What's in it for me?" "What does this spiritual system do for women?" Of course, the gurus, teachers, and ascended masters will tell us that, even by asking such a question, we are merely continuing in our enslavement to the Lords of Mind; that it is simply another dodge of the ego as it resists dissoulution in the All.Starhawk
It is natural to every man to wish for distinction, and the praise of those who can confer honor by their praise, in spite of all false philosophy, is sweet to every human heart; but as eminence can be but the lot of a few, patience of obscurity is aSydney Smith (1771-)
A good half of the effort of understanding what the Indian philosophers were after - and their subtleties make most of the great European philosophers look like schoolboys.T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
Indeed heresies are themselves instigated by philosophy.Tertullian (155-220)
My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate - that's my philosophyThornton Wilder (1897-1975)
If you cling to an idea as the inalterable truth, then when the truth does come in person and knock at your door, you will not be able to open the door and accept it.Udana Sutta
It was my first meeting with a philosophy that confirmed my vague speculations and seemed at once logical and boundless. (William Butler Yeats described his first meeting with a Hindu philosopher at Dublin)William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial of human pursuits.William James (1842-1910)
There is only one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.William James (1842-1910)
Adversity's sweet milk, philosophyWilliam Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Blant hundre som grubler, til tenker blir én.Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Filosofien er en stashest på stallen, men en fillemerr på reisen.Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Jeg kan ikke tilgi Descartes. Han hadde gjerne vært uten Gud i hele sin filosofi. Men han har ikke kunnet holde seg fra å la Gud sette verden i gang med et knips. Siden har han ikke lenger bruk for Ham.Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Jorda er ikkje nokon blivande stad for englar.Ranveig Sørensen
Min livsfilosofi har aldri innbragt meg noe, men den har spart meg for megetKnut Hamsun (1859-1952)
Min livsfilosofi har aldri innbragt meg noe, men den har spart meg for meget.Knut Hamsun (1859-1952)