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Citat om Journalistik

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De enda kvalifikationer som krävs för framgång inom journalistiken är en råttas slughet, ett trovärdigt uppförande och en smula litterär talang.Nicholas Tomalin
Det finns väl knappt någon annan bransch som så effektivt skådar sig själv i naveln som journalistiken.Claus Lynge
Ett stänk av galenskap är absolut nödvändigt för att kunna bedriva seriös journalistik.Virtus Schade
Generellt sett söker sig i dag de bästa människorna till journalistiken, de näst bästa till affärslivet, skräpet till politiken och avskrädet till juridiken.Auberon Waugh
Generellt sett söker sig i dag de bästa människorna till journalistiken, de näst bästa till affärslivet, skräpet till politiken och avskrädet till juridiken.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Jag har aldrig kunnat tåla journalister. och de har alltid fått lida en fasanfull död i mina böcker.Agatha Christie (1890-1976)
Journalistik är historia på rymmen.Thomas Griffith (1945-)
Narrar har kunnat säga sanningar som ingen annan kunnat, eftersom man förklär dem i skämtets dräkt. Men när man betraktar en del löpsedlar som dykt upp på senare år kan man undra hur man ska kunna göra det dummare än det är.Erik Blix
Skillnaden mellan journalistik och litteratur är att journalistiken är oläslig och litteraturen oläst.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Journalister er overfladiske, unøjagtige og upålidelige. De ligner i det hele taget deres medmennesker.Carl Erik Soya (1896-1983)
Ser De, unge mand, som journalist gælder det om at være på hat med spidserne og kammerat med bisserne.Henrik Cavling
Tro aldrig på aviser og spejle.John Osborne (1929-1994)
At være brevkasseredaktør er som at være gift med en nymfoman. Det er helt fantastisk de to første ugerLewis Grizzard (1946-1994)
Journalistik er som en kødædende blomst - den bliver aldrig mæt.Morten Stig Christensen
En historieskriver, det er en journalist, der er stået for sent op.Poul Hammerich
Hvis jeg var fader og havde en datter, som blev forført, hende ville jeg ingenlunde opgive; men en søn, som blev journalist, ham ville jeg anse for tabtSøren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
The First Law of Journalism: to confirm existing prejudice, rather than contradict itAlexander Cockburn
I am a journalist in the field of etiquette. I try to find out what the most genteel people regularly do, what traditions they have discarded, what compromises they have made.Amy Vanderbilt (1908-1974)
The meat-and-potatoes work of world journalism is performed by the wire service reporters.Bob Greene
A news sense is really a sense of what is important, what is vital, what has color and life - what people are interested in. That's journalism.Burton Rascoe
Journalism is organized gossip.Edward Eggleston
In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it rightEllen Goodman (1941-)
Journalists cover words and delude themselves into thinking they have committed journalism.Hedrick Smith
Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.Henry Anatole Grunwald
Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for it.J. Russell Lynes (1910-1991)
One of the things that will keep The Front Page burning bright as long as newspapers are alive is the myth that newspapermen are breezy and raffish. What other play has for so long fed the self-image of journalists?Jay Carr
Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it.John Hersey
People may expect too much of journalism. Not only do they expect it to be entertaining, they expect it to be true.Lewis H. Lapham
Journalism: A profession whose business is to explain to others what it personally does not understand.Lord Northcliffe
Journalistic hours are odd and long and often tense, and newsmen seek each other out as natural allies in a world that is so much part of them, but which they visit so randomly.Osborn Elliott
Journalists are like whores; as high as their ideals may be, they still have to resort to tricks to make moneyPierce Thorne
Journalism is the ability to meet the challenge of filling space.Rebecca West (1892-1983)
The news is staged, anticipated, reported, analyzed until all interest is wrung from it and abandoned for some new novelty.Thomas Griffith (1945-)
Junk journalism is the evidence of a society that has got at least one thing right, that there should be nobody with the power to dictate where responsible journalism beginsTom Stoppard (1937-)
Be careful. Journalism is more addictive than crack cocaine. Your life can get out of balance.Dan Rather (1931-)
A reporter is always concerned with tomorrow. There's nothing tangible of yesterday. All I can say I've done is agitate the air ten or fifteen minutes and then boom - it's gone.Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965)
Most journalists are restless voyeurs who see the warts on the world, the imperfections in people and places. gloom is their game, the spectacle their passion, normality their nemesis.Gay Talese (1932-)
The reporter wrote with the hope that he would get a by-line in the Times, a testimony to his being alive on that day and all the tomorrows of microfilm.Gay Talese (1932-)
I suggest that what we want to do is not to leave to posterity a great institution, but to leave behind a great tradition of journalism ably practiced in our time.Henry R. Luce (1898-1967)
I became a journalist to come as close as possible to the heart of the world.Henry R. Luce (1898-1967)
The legions of reporters who cover politics don't want to quit the clash and thunder of electoral combat for the dry duty of analyzing the federal budget. As a consequence, we have created the perpetual presidential campaign.Hugh Sidey (1927-)
Newspapermen learn to call a murderer "an alleged murderer" and the King of England "the alleged King of England" to avoid libel suits.Stephen Leacock (1869-1944)
Journalism constructs momentarily arrested equilibriums and gives disorder an implied order. That is already two steps from reality.Thomas Griffith (1945-)
Junk journalism is the evidence of a society that has got at least one thing right, that there should be nobody with the power to dictate where responsible journalism beginsTom Stoppard (1937-)
Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it.John Hersey
Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.Henry Anatole Grunwald
Journalism largely consists of saying "Lord Jones is Dead" to people who never knew that Lord Jones was alive.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it rightEllen Goodman (1941-)
In America the President reigns for four years, and Journalism governs for ever and everOscar Wilde (1854-1900)
The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
The First Law of Journalism: to confirm existing prejudice, rather than contradict itAlexander Cockburn
Journalism is organized gossip.Edward Eggleston
There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil - remain detached from the greatWalter J. Lippmann (1889-1974)
Generally speaking, the best people nowadays go into journalism, the second best into business, the rubbish into politics and the shits into lawAuberon Waugh
Every journalist has a novel in him, which is an excellent place for it.J. Russell Lynes (1910-1991)
We journalists make it a point to know very little about an extremely wide variety of topics; this is how we stay objective.Dave Barry (1947-)
We journalists... are also extremely impressed with scientists, and we will, frankly, print just about any wacky thing they tell us, especially if it involves outer space.Dave Barry (1947-)
There is a huge difference between journalism and advertising. Journalism aspires to truth. Advertising is regulated for truth. I'll put the accuracy of the average ad in this country up against the average news story any time.Jef I. Richards
Many people would no more think of entering journalism than the sewage business - which at least does us all some goodStephen Fry (1957-)
There is much to be said in favour of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
The news is staged, anticipated, reported, analyzed until all interest is wrung from it and abandoned for some new novelty.Thomas Griffith (1945-)
Journalists do not live by words alone, although sometimes they have to eat themAdlai E. Stevenson (1900-1965)
There can be no press freedom when journalists exist in conditions of corruption, poverty and fear.Aidan White
Journalism is concerned with events, poetry with feelings. Journalism is concerned with the look of the world, poetry with the feel of the world.Archibald Macleish (1892-1982)
Exaggeration of every kind is as essential to journalism as it is to dramatic art, for the object of journalism is to make events go as far as possibleArthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
Rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't readFrank Zappa (1940-1993)
Most rock journalism is people who can not write interviewing people who can not talkFrank Zappa (1940-1993)
Journalism is popular, but it is popular mainly as fiction. Life is one world, and life seen in the newspapers is another.G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
The reporter wrote with the hope that he would get a by-line in the Times, a testimony to his being alive on that day and all the tomorrows of microfilm.Gay Talese (1932-)
We don't consider ourselves equal opportunity anythings, because that's not - you know, that's the beauty of fake journalism. We don't have to - we travel in fake ethics.Jon Stewart (1962-)
No ideas and the ability to express them - that's a journalistKarl Kraus (1874-1936)
People may expect too much of journalism. Not only do they expect it to be entertaining, they expect it to be true.Lewis H. Lapham
The fact that a man is a newspaper reporter is evidence of some flaw of character.Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973)
Journalism justifies its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgaristOscar Wilde (1854-1900)
[Ken] Kesey practices what has come to be known as gonzo journalism. The reporter, often intoxicated, fails to get the story but delivers instead a stylishly bizarre account that mocks conventional journalism.R. Z. Sheppard
Journalism: an ability to meet the challenge of filling the spaceRebecca West (1892-1983)
Journalism constructs momentarily arrested equilibriums and gives disorder an implied order. That is already two steps from reality.Thomas Griffith (1945-)
A long life in journalism convinced me many presidents ago that there should be a large air space between a journalist and the head of a state.Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil - remain detached from the greatWalter Lippmann (1889-1974)
I hope we never live to see the day when a thing is as bad as some of our newspapers make itWill Rogers (1879-1935)