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Citat om Land och länder

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Kartan är inte landskapet.Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950)
Ryssland, Frankrike, Tyskland och Kina. De hedrar sina författare. Amerika är fortfarande ett utvecklingsland som nästan skälver av tanken på kreativism.James A. Michener (1907-)
A land without ruins is a land without memories - a land without memories is a land without historyAbram Joseph Ryan
For a country to have a great writer is like having a second government. That is why no regime has ever loved great writers, only minor ones.Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent, experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it, if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.Anthony Burgess (1917-1993)
New Zealand is a country of thirty thousand million sheep, three million of whom think they are human.Barry Humphries (1934-)
Australia is an outdoor country. People only go inside to use the toilet. And that's only a recent development.Barry Humphries (1934-)
European imperialism long ago made Tahiti a distant suburb of Paris, the missionaries made it a suburb of Christ's kingdom, and the radio made it a suburb of Los AngelesCedric Belfrage
The national dish of Scotland is something called haggis, the specific ingredients of which I won't go into other than to say that if you can visualize boiled, inside-out road kill, you're pretty close.David Grimes
The country will be very pleased-the country is so bowel-minded anyway and it is important.Dr. Paul Dudley White
April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom, holiday tables under the trees.E. Y. Harburg (1896-1981)
Provence is a country to which I am always returning, next week, next year, any day now, as soon as I can get on a train.Elizabeth David
The first time I passed through the country (Switzerland) I had the impression it was swept down with a broom from one end to the other every morning by housewives who dumped all the dirt in ItalyErnesto Sábato (1911-)
The United Nations is an uplifting experiment, dedicated to raising the standards of living in Africa, the consciences of democracies, and the price of prostitutes in New YorkFrank Dane
A thousand years will pass and the guilt of Germany will not be erased.Hans Frank
The prosperity of a country is in accordance with its treatment of the agedHasidic Proverb
The European Union and Russia have an identical viewpoint. We have condemned any potential revision of the ABM treaty, believing that such a revision will involve a risk of proliferation that will be very dangerous for the future.Jacques Chirac (1932-)
The only civilized country is one in which no man is afraid of the tax collectorJuan de Mairena
Hungary is very similar to Bulgaria. I know they're different countries.Kevin Keegan (1951-)
The only thing you need to know about a country is whether people are trying to get in, or get outLouis Rukeiser
Canada is the essence of not being. Not English, not American, it is the mathematic of not being. And a subtle flavour - we're more like celery as a flavour.Mike Myers (1963-)
Developing countries like Malaysia should have a say in changing the world financial system since we have faced the problems that it has caused.Mohamad Mahathir
America wasn't founded so that we could all be better. America was founded so we could all be anything we damned well pleased.P. J. O'Rourke (1947-)
There isn't much wrong with most of those summerhouses that a really good hurricane wouldn't cure [and] when it comes it may do for the Hamptons what Mrs O'Leary's cow did for Chicago.Peter Blake
It was as if Japan had fallen victim to a case of collective amnesia.Peter Goldman
This country has far more problems than it deserves and far more solutions than it applies.Ralph Nader (1934-)
Nowhere in this country, from sea to sea, does nature comfort us with such assurance of plenty, such rich and tranquil beauty as in those unsung, unpainted hills of Pennsylvania.Rebecca Harding Davis (1831-1910)
France is getting younger. I am not.Richard Cobb
I'd move to Los Angeles if New Zealand and Australia were swallowed up by a tidal wave, if there was a bubonic plague in England and if the continent of Africa disappeared from some Martian attack.Russell Crowe (1964-)
Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrongStephen Decatur (1779-1820)
Canada's national bird is the grouseJ. Stuart Keate (1913-1987)
While waiting for a Moses to lead us into the promised land, we have forgotten how to walkWendell Johnson (1906-1965)
In Tel Aviv the weekends last 48 hours. In Jerusalem they last 6 months.Zev Chavets
As long as there are only 3 to 4 people on the floor, the country is in good hands. It's only when you have 50 to 60 in the Senate that you want to be concerned.Bob Dole (1923-)
California is a tragic country - like Palestine, like every Promised LandChristopher Isherwood (1904-1986)
The New England conscience does not stop you from doing what you shouldn't-it just stops you from enjoying it.Cleveland Amory (1917-1998)
I think we should take Iraq and Iran and combine them into one country and call it Irate. All the pissed off people live in one place and get it over with.Denis Leary (1957-)
So long as you are ready to die for humanity, the life of your country is immortalGiuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)
The minority of a country is never known to agree, except in its efforts to reduce and oppress the majorityJames Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)
I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.John Wayne (1907-1979)
It may be the only country in the world where the rich are sometimes brilliantLillian Hellman (1905-1984)
Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them.Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919-2000)
In Latin America, the pace is slower, it is more technical. In Europe, it is faster, but I haven't had any problems adapting to it.Ronaldo (1976-)
You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beerFrank Zappa (1940-1993)
In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.Konfucius (555 f.Kr.-479 f.Kr.)
This country has far more problems than it deserves and far more solutions than it applies.Ralph Nader (1934-)
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Nowhere in this country, from sea to sea, does nature comfort us with such assurance of plenty, such rich and tranquil beauty as in those unsung, unpainted hills of Pennsylvania.Rebecca Harding Davis (1831-1910)
No country can act wisely simultaneously in every part of the globe at every moment of time.Henry Kissinger (1923-)
America - It is a fabulous country, the only fabulous country; it is the only place where miracles not only happen, but where they happen all the timeThomas Wolfe (1900-1938)
Canada is the essence of not being. Not English, not American, it is the mathematic of not being. And a subtle flavour - we're more like celery as a flavour.Mike Myers (1963-)
Even as a tree has a single trunk, but many branches and leaves, there is one religion but any number of faithsMahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
How can you be expected to govern a country that has 246 kinds of cheese?Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)
If I have to apply five turns to the screw each day for the happiness of Argentina, I will do it.Evita Peron (1919-1952)
An election cannot give a country a firm sense of direction if it has two or more national parties which merely have different names but are as alike in their principles and aims as two peas in the same podFranklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)
God and Country are an unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed.Luis Buñuel (1900-1983)
The chief foundations of all states... are good laws and good arms. And as there cannot be good laws where there are not good arms... where there are good arms there must be good laws...Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)
When a Japanese manufacturer was asked by his North American counterpart, "What is the best language in which to do business?" the man responded: "My customer's languageLeonard I. Sweet
It is the peculiar boast of our country, that her happiness is alone dependent on the collective wisdom and virtue of her citizens, and rests not on the exertions of any individualGeorge Washington (1732-1799)
The warning message we sent the Russians was a calculated ambiguity that would be clearly understood.Alexander Haig (1924-)
If I knew something that would serve my country but would harm mankind, I would never reveal it; for I am a citizen of humanity first and by necessity, and a citizen of France second, and only by accidentCharles de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrongStephen Decatur (1779-1820)
'My country, right or wrong' is a thing no patriot would ever think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying 'My mother, drunk or sober.'Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
A land without ruins is a land without memories - a land without memories is a land without historyAbram Joseph Ryan
Countries, therefore, when lawmaking falls exclusively to the lot of the poor cannot hope for much economy in public expenditure; expenses will always be considerable, either because taxes cannot touch those who vote for them or because they are asseAlexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)
What is the most innocent place in any country? Is it not the insane asylum? These people drift through life truly innocent, unable to see into themselves at all.Arthur Miller (1915-2005)
An insular country, subject to fogs, and with a powerful middle class, requires grave statesmen.Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
Be England what she will, With all her faults she is my country stillCharles Churchill (1731-1764)
My dear and old country, here we are once again together faced with a heavy trial.Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)
Once upon a time there was an old country, wrapped up in habit and caution. We have to transform our old France into a new country and marry it to its time.Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)
Countries are well cultivated, not as they are fertile, but as they are freeCharles de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
In Spain, attempting to obtain a chicken salad sandwich, you wind up with a dish whose name, when you look it up in your Spanish-English dictionary, turns out to mean: Eel with big abscess.Dave Barry (1947-)
The national dish of Scotland is something called haggis, the specific ingredients of which I won't go into other than to say that if you can visualize boiled, inside-out road kill, you're pretty close.David Grimes
This will never be a civilized country until we spend more money for books than we do for chewing gum.Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)
The English are not happy unless they are miserable, the Irish are not at peace unless they are at war, and the Scots are not at home unless they are abroadGeorge Orwell (1903-1950)
England is not the best possible world but it is the best actual country, and a great rest after AmericaGeorge Santayana (1863-1952)
The Egyptians could run to Egypt, the Syrians into Syria. The only place we could run was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight.Golda Meir (1898-1978)
When I saw what a mess everything was in I asked for my money back on the ticket. I would have felt I was deserting. If everyone of any value leaves France, what will remain of France?Henri Matisse (1869-1954)
England always seems to me like a man swimming with his clothes on his headJr. Henry James (1843-1916)
My country has, in its wisdom, contrived for me the most insignificant office (the Vice-Presidency) that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceivedJohn Adams (1735-1826)
Our country is wherever we are well offJohn Milton (1608-1674)
Hungary is very similar to Bulgaria. I know they're different countries.Kevin Keegan (1951-)
For Africa to me... is more than a glamorous fact. It is a historical truth. No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place.Maya Angelou (1928-)
The land was ours before we were the land's.Robert Frost (1874-1963)
My countrymen should have nerves of steel, muscles of iron, and minds like thunderbolt.Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)
Know most of the rooms of thy native country before thou goest over the threshold thereof.Thomas Fuller (1608-1661)
What a cruel reflection that a rich country cannot long be a free one.Thomas Jefferson (1762-1826)
If there is a country in the world where concord, according to common calculation, would be least expected, it is AmericaThomas Paine (1737-1809)
Holland is a country, where the earth is better than the air, and profit more in request than honor; where there is more sense than wit; more good nature than good humor; and more wealth than pleasure; where a man would choose rather to travel than tWilliam Temple, Sr.
I do not wonder that British youth is in revolt against the morbid doctrine that nothing matters but the equal sharing of miseries; that what used to be called the submerged tenth can only be rescued by bringing the other nine-tenths down to their leWinston Churchill (1874-1965)
In Tel Aviv the weekends last 48 hours. In Jerusalem they last 6 months.Zev Chavets