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Skuld är kanske dödens mest smärtsamma följeslagare.Coco Chanel (1883-1971)
Guilt is the very nerve of sorrowHorace Bushnell
Guilt is the price we pay willingly for doing what we are going to do anywayIsabelle Holland (1920-)
This young man-whether he's my son or a stranger-repeatedly declares, "I didn't do it, I didn't do it." And he's shot down. That's not the American way of life. A man is innocent until he's proved guilty.Marguerite Oswald (1907-)
The guilty think all talk is of themselvesGeoffrey Chaucer (1342-1400)
Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.Peter McWilliams (1949-)
Whoever profits by the crime is guilty of itIsabelle Holland (1920-)
Guilt is always jealousJohn Ray (1627-1705)
Things in law tend to be black and white. But we all know that some people are a little bit guilty, while other people are guilty as hell.Warren E. Burger (1907-)
Guilt is abscent when the act is justified.Warren E. Burger (1907-)
Guilt or innocence becomes irrelevant in the criminal trials as we flounder in a morass of artificial rules poorly conceived and often impossible [to apply].Warren E. Burger (1907-)
What we call real estate - the solid ground to build a house on - is the broad foundation on which nearly all the guilt of this world restsNathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)
Sin with the multitude, and your responsibility and guilt are as great and as truly personal, as if you alone had done the wrongTryon Edwards
Moralists and philosophers have adjudged those who throw temptation in the way of the erring, equally guilty with those who are thereby led into evilMark Twain (1835-1910)
The guilty think all talk is of themselvesGeoffrey Chaucer (1342-1400)
Where all are guilty, no one is; confessions of collective guilt are the best possible safeguard against the discovery of culprits, and the very magnitude of the crime the best excuse for doing nothing.Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
For socialists, not just the wealth, but the guilt, must be redistributedAndrew Sandlin
It is quite gratifying to feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong: how noble! Whereas it is rather hard and certainly depressing to admit guilt and to repent.Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
Successful guilt is the bane of societyPublilius Syrus (85 f.Kr.-43 f.Kr.)
Guilt is the very nerve of sorrowHorace Bushnell
The guilty is he who meditates a crime; the punishment is his who lays the plotNicholas Rowe (1674-)
Guilt is the source of sorrow, 'tis the fiend, Th' avenging fiend, that follows us behind, With whips and stingsNicholas Rowe (1674-)
You cut up a thing that's alive and beautiful to find out how it's alive and why it's beautiful, and before you know it, it's neither of those things, and you're standing there with blood on your face and tears in your sight and only the terrible ache of guilt to show for it.Clive Barker (1952-)
How tedious is a guilty conscience!John Webster (1580-1632)
You can bear anything-if it isn't your own fault.Katherine Fullerton Gerould