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Citat om Stad och Land

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Av alla ljud här på jorden, både i staden och på landet, finns det få som väcker sådan nyfikenhet som en knackning på dörren.Elmer Diktonius (1896-1961)
Buller tillverkas i staden som alla andra varor. I staden hålls buller på lager, helt avskiljt från de objekt som är dess upphov.Elmer Diktonius (1896-1961)
De bor så långt från civilisationen att när grannarna kommer in för att låna en kopp socker måste de stanna kvar över natten.Elmer Diktonius (1896-1961)
Det var en lång väg till byn, men hade den varit kortare så hade den inte räckt ända fram.Elmer Diktonius (1896-1961)
En stad är en stor by där människorna är ensamma tillsammans.Elmer Diktonius (1896-1961)
En stor stad är ett stort vansinne.Elmer Diktonius (1896-1961)
Gubben bodde så avlägset att han hade en egen kvart i lokalradion.William Cowper (1731-1800)
Gud skapade landet och människan staden.William Cowper (1731-1800)
Han var en cowboy och älskade landet. Han älskade det så mycket att han gjorde sig en kvinna av jord och gifte sig med henne. Men när han kysste henne så ramlade hon sönder. Senare, vid begravningen, när prästen sade "..av jord är du kommen ..." skrattade några, och vår cowboy sköt dem. Innan han hängdes sade han "Jag väntar på er, i himlen -- med ett gevär."Kingsley Amis (1922-1995)
I stan: "Vi går in och får lite frisk luft."Kingsley Amis (1922-1995)
Jag behöver byta miljö. Jag är uttråkad av livet i stan. Det ska bli skönt att bli uttråkad av livet på landet.Kingsley Amis (1922-1995)
Jag har aldrig begripit varför någon har gått med på att vara lantbo sedan år 1400.Kingsley Amis (1922-1995)
Landskap avfolkas inte bara, de avfåglas också.David Letterman (1947-)
New York leder nu världens största städer i antalet människor som inte borde göra en hastig rörelse.David Letterman (1947-)
Om du inte gillar våran stad så leta efter en tidtabell.Peter Shaffer (1926-)
Om London är målat i vattenfärg så är New York en oljemålning.Peter Shaffer (1926-)
Stockholm är ett märkligt ställe,Fly det när du får tillfälle.Pex Tufvesson (1974-)
Stor stad, stor ensamhet.Beck Hansen
Strax utanför den stora staden stod den väldiga naturen och hade gott om tid.Beck Hansen
Tonight the city is full of morgues, and all the toilets are overflowing. There's shopping malls coming out of the walls, as we walk out among the manure. That's why I pay no mind.Beck Hansen
A city is the pulsating product of the human hand and mind, reflecting man's history, his struggle for freedom, creativity, genius-and his selfishness and errors.Charles Abrams
A city has values as well as slums, excitement as well as conflict a personality that has not yet been obliterated by its highways and gas stations.Charles Abrams
After endless days of commuting on the freeway to an antiseptic, sealed-window office, there is a great urge to backpack in the woods and build a fire.Charles Krauthammer
Texas: 32 electoral votes, another of the so-called big enchiladas or if not an enchilada at least a huge taco.Dan Rather (1931-)
In Los Angeles, by the time you're 35, you're older than most of the buildings.Delia Ephron
In some Chicago neighborhoods, looking for a parking space is not unlike panning for gold.Gary Washburn
When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, aspirations and pride of everyone who built it.Hugh Newell Jacobsen
If you're going to San Francisco, Be sure to wear some flowers in your hairJ. B. Phillips
And Kansas is at Chicago tonight or is it Chicago at Kansas City? Well, no matter as Kansas leads in the eighth four-to-four.Jerry Coleman (1924-)
I was to Japanese visitors to Washington what the Mona Lisa is to Americans visiting Paris.John C. Danforth
North Carolina is the place you fly over on the way to Florida. Ohio is the flat place between Hoboken and Malibu.John Fleischman
They are pure, unduplicatable Chicago. they help explain why-in Chicago-it is unwise to take your eyes off any asset smaller than a locomotive.Keith Wheeler
A city where everyone seemed to live in a bungalow on a broad avenue lined with palm, pepper or eucalyptus trees, where there was never any snow.Kevin Starr
A tranquil city of good laws, fine architecture, and clean streets is like a classroom of obedient dullards, or a field of gelded bulls - whereas a city of anarchy is a city of promiseMark Helprin (1947-)
There's nothing wrong with Southern California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't cureRoss MacDonald (1915-1983)
It was a good place for getting lost in, a city no one ever knew, a city explored from the neutral heart outward, until after many years, it defined itself into a jumble of clearings separated by stretches of the unknown, through which the narrowestV. S. Naipaul (1932-)
The Moscow of these pageants is the old core city with its buildings of pastel hues and white trim that, with the season's continual dustings of snow, appear to be the work of confectioners.Warren Hoge
The New Yorker has devoted itself for 59 years not only to facts and literal accuracy but to truth. And truth begins, journalistically, with the facts.William Shawn
Between a quarter and a third of Los Angeles's land area is now monopolized by the automobile and its needs-by freeways, highways, garages, gas stations, car lots, parking lots. And all of it is blanketed with anonymity and foul air.Alistair Cooke (1908-2004)
Rome was a poem pressed into service as a city.Anatole Broyard
A city that outdistances man's walking powers is a trap for man.Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975)
Chicago is a sort of journalistic Yellowstone Park, offering haven to a last herd of fantastic bravos.Ben Hecht (1893-1964)
Washington, DC is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese.Dennis Miller (1953-)
Cities are the abyss of the human speciesJean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Hollywood is like life, you face it with the sum total of your equipment.Joan Crawford (1908-1977)
I hate small towns because once you've seen the cannon in the park there's nothing else to do.Lenny Bruce (1925-1966)
New York is the perfect model of a city, not the model of a perfect city.Lewis Mumford (1895-1990)
New York... is a city of geometric heights, a petrified desert of grids and lattices, an inferno of greenish abstraction under a flat sky, a real Metropolis from which man is absent by his very accumulation.Roland Barthes (1915-1980)
Hollywood is where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors.Walter Winchell (1897-1972)
When you get tired of walking around San Francisco, you can always lean against itJ. B. Phillips
If you're going to San Francisco, Be sure to wear some flowers in your hairJ. B. Phillips
The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants.George W. Bush (1946-)
I love Los Angeles. I love Hollywood. They're beautiful. Everybody's plastic, but I love plastic. I want to be plastic.Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, aspirations and pride of everyone who built it.Hugh Newell Jacobsen
When you leave New York, you ain't goin' nowhereFrank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
Eventually, I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world.Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
A city is the pulsating product of the human hand and mind, reflecting man's history, his struggle for freedom, creativity, genius-and his selfishness and errors.Charles Abrams
Cities are the abyss of the human speciesJean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value.Dr. Carl Sagan (1934-1996)
In Los Angeles, by the time you're 35, you're older than most of the buildings.Delia Ephron
Hollywood is where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors.Walter Winchell (1897-1972)
Tonight the city is full of morgues, and all the toilets are overflowing. There's shopping malls coming out of the walls, as we walk out among the manure. That's why I pay no mind.Beck Hansen
Los Angeles is a large city-like area surrounding the Beverly Hills HotelFran Lebowitz (1950-)
It was a good place for getting lost in, a city no one ever knew, a city explored from the neutral heart outward, until after many years, it defined itself into a jumble of clearings separated by stretches of the unknown, through which the narrowestV. S. Naipaul (1932-)
Texas: 32 electoral votes, another of the so-called big enchiladas or if not an enchilada at least a huge taco.Dan Rather (1931-)
And Kansas is at Chicago tonight or is it Chicago at Kansas City? Well, no matter as Kansas leads in the eighth four-to-four.Jerry Coleman (1924-)
I give you Chicago. It is not London and Harvard. It is not Paris and buttermilk. It is American in every chitling and sparerib. It is alive from snout to tail.Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
My first day in Chicago, September 4, 1983. I set foot in this city, and just walking down the street, it was like roots, like the motherland. I knew I belonged here.Oprah Winfrey (1954-)
North Carolina is the place you fly over on the way to Florida. Ohio is the flat place between Hoboken and Malibu.John Fleischman
The New York Hilton is laid out with a competence that would make a computer blush.Ada Louise Huxtable
If, in New York, you arrive late for an appointment, say, "I took a taxiAndré Maurois (1885-1967)
France is a place where the money falls apart in your hands but you can't tear the toilet paperBilly Wilder (1906-2002)
The siren south is well enough, but New York, at the beginning of March, is a hoyden we would not care to miss-a drafty wench, her temperature up and down, full of bold promises and dust in the eye.E. B. White (1899-1985)
I have just returned from Boston. It is the only sane thing to do if you find yourself up there.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for stars.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
You can take all the sincerity in Hollywood and place it in the navel of a fruit fly, and still have room left for three caraway seeds and an agent's heartFred Allen (1894-1956)
The crowds in the big towns, with their mild, knobby faces, their bad teeth and gentle manners solid breakfasts and gloomy Sundays, smoky towns and winding roads, green fields and red pillar boxes.George Orwell (1903-1950)
I'm leaving because the weather is too good. I hate London when it's not raining.Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
The City of New York is like an enormous citadel, a modern Carcassonne. Walking between the magnificent skyscrapers one feels the presence on the fringe of a howling, raging mob, a mob with empty bellies, a mob unshaven and in rags.Henry Miller (1891-1980)
I sometimes go back to walk through the ghostly remains of Sutton Place where the rude, new buildings stand squarely in one another's river views.John Cheever (1912-1982)
A city where everyone seemed to live in a bungalow on a broad avenue lined with palm, pepper or eucalyptus trees, where there was never any snow.Kevin Starr
(Solon) being asked, namely, what city was best to live in, "That city," he replied, "in which those who are not wronged, no less than those who are wronged, exert themselves to punish the wrongdoersPlutarktos (46-119)
I have struck a city - a real city - and they call it Chicago... I urgently desire never to see it again. It is inhabited by savages.Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can affordSamuel Johnson (1709-1784)
Hollywood is a place where a man can get stabbed in the back while climbing a ladder.William Faulkner (1897-1962)