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Citat om Stillhet

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Den absoluta tystnaden är den bästa musik jag vet.Margit Sandemo (1924-)
i stillheten finns liv. i stillheten är du aldrig ensam.Ferdinand Finne (1910-1999)
Quietude, which some men cannot abide because it reveals their inward poverty, is as a palace of cedar to the wise, for along its hallowed courts the King in his beauty deigns to walkCharles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the stormCharles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
That perfect tranquillity of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend and a good libraryAphra Behn (1640-1689)
Fame and tranquility can never be bedfellows.Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
Periods of tranquility are seldom prolific of creative achievement. Mankind has to be stirred up.Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947)
Tranquility is the old man's milkThomas Jefferson (1762-1826)
We fluctuate long between love and hatred before we can arrive at tranquillityHarriet Lerner
And we will be in tune with our bodies only if we truly love and honor them. We can't be in good communication with the enemy.Harriet Lerner
De stille er ikke alltid de kloke. Det finnes låste kister som er tomme.Jean Giono
Når en ung pike får besøk av en ung mann, så er det ikke støy, men stillhet, som bekymrer pikens mor.Vivian Cox
Vår tids sivilisasjon løper ut i et nytt barbari - av mangel på ro.Friedrich Nietzsche