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Citat om TV

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Att få ett pris från TV är som att bli kysst av någon med dålig andedräkt.Mason Williams
Barn ser för mycket på TV, inte bara för att deras indolenta föräldrar tillåter det utan för att standarden på de flesta program ligger på deras åldersnivå.Richard Ingrams (1937-)
Dansk TV-underhållning påminner ofta om lugnande medel till vårdhemmets sista gamlingar.Michael Blædel
Den avgörande skillnaden mellan de olika nyhetsprogrammen i TV är fortfarande väderrapporten.Bob Saunders
Den som visar barn i rutan har redan vunnit. Med djur är det samma sak. Och den som visar barn och djur tillsammans är absolut oövervinnelig, speciellt om han engagerar en barnslig programledare med animalisk utstrålning.Burt Banks
Det finns TV-program så sliskiga att man borde varna folk med sockersjuka i förväg.Robert Lembke
Det viktigaste kravet på en TV-journalist är trovärdighet. Så snart han har lärt sig att simulera sådan står ingenting längre i vägen för hans karriär.Fred Graham
Detta är den första generation som har blivit uppfostrad av TV och andra massmedier i stället för av föräldrarna.Margaret Mead (1901-1978)
En talkshow i TV är som tandutdragning utan bedövning.John Travolta (1954-)
En TV-apparat är som en brödrost: man trycker på en knapp och samma sak dyker alltid upp.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Folk som ser mycket på TV får större och större bakdel och mindre och mindre huvud.Dieter Hildebrandt
Folk som ser mycket på tv, får större bakändor och mindre och mindre huvuden.Dieter Hildebrandt
gräset är inte grönareAre Kalvo (1969-)
Jag hatar TV lika mycket som peanuts. Men jag kan inte låta bli dem när jag väl har kommit igång.Orson Welles (1915-1985)
Jag kan inte begripa att man på TV alltid ber om ursäkt för avbrott men aldrig för de vanliga programmen.Otto Preminger (1906-1986)
Jag oroar mig för all den dynga som sänds i TV i dag. Det mesta är skandaljournalistik med inspiration från skvallerpressen.Walter Cronkite (1916-)
Jag står inte ut med talkshows. Man blir stekt långsamt på en kameragrill och intervjuaren blåser på träkolen.Sidney Poitier (1924-)
Man har för länge sedan slutat hålla samma nivå på TV-licensen som på programmen.Otto Ludwig (1923-)
Med tanke på vardagens irritation, vrede, begeistring eller normala enformiga misslynthet har TV kanske en global terapeutisk funktion som åskledare för djupare aggressioner.Hans Jørgen Jensen
Programledaren övertygar med sitt levande och triumferande exempel publiken om värdet av medelmåttigheten. Han framkallar inga mindervärdeskomplex även om han erbjuder sig själv som idol, och publiken belönar honom genom att älska honom. Han representerar ett ideal som ingen behöver anstränga sig för att nå upp till, därför att alla redan befinner sig på hans nivå.Umberto Eco (1932-)
Tack vare TV har världen blivit en liten by, och många TV-program börjar likna byskvaller.Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)
Televisionen är egentligen närmre verkligheten än någon bok. Galenskapen i televisionen är det verkliga livets galenskap.Camille Paglia (1947-)
TV har lagt beslag på rollen som den elektroniska öppna spisen.Peter Crown
TV är det enda sömnpiller som intages genom ögonen.Vittorio de Sica (1902-1974)
TV är en inrättning med vars hjälp folk som inget har att göra betraktar andra människor som inget kan göra.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
TV är inte sanning. TV är en förbannad nöjespark, en karneval, en kringresande trupp av akrobater och historieberättare, sångare och dansare, jonglörer, lejontämjare och fotbollsspelare. Vi befinner oss i avdelningen för utrotande av tristessen. Öppna fönstret och ropa till hela världen: Jag är rasande och jag finner mig inte i det här längre!Padd Chayejsky
TV är som ett förstoringsglas. Till och med den minsta smula blir omåttligt intressant även om den i sig är ingenting.Poul Nesgaard
TV är som riksdagen: vad man än stoppar in i ena änden så är det samma sak när det kommer ut i den andra.Erik Clausen
TV är teaterns hämnd på filmindustrin.Peter Ustinov (1921-2004)
TV är tuggummi för ögonen.John Mason Brown (1900-1969)
TV-hallåor är som isberg, man ser bara toppen.Alberto Sordi (1920-)
TV-stjärna är man först när folk framför rutan glömmer att de för länge sedan skulle ha gått på toaletten.Gilbert Bécaud
TV:s fjärrkontroll, vår tids mentala massagestav.Torben Bille (1949-)
Vem som har störst utbyte av TV är en viktig fråga. Jag hävdar att det är ögonläkarna.Willem Deconinck
Vi dränker våra ungdomar i våld, cynism och sadism, som visas i våra vardagsrum och till och med i barnkamrarna. Barnbarnen till de barn som brukade gråta för att den lilla flickan med svavelstickorna frös ihjäl känner sig nu lurade om hon inte blir misshandlad, våldtagen och mald i en avfallskvarn.J. Lloyd Jones
Vi har snart 20 TV-kanaler, och så är folk förvånade över att födelsetalen minskar.Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff
Även om underhållningen i TV är mördande är det inte lätt att slå ihjäl en söndag i dess sällskap.Otto Ludwig (1923-)
TV har bragt mord tilbage i hjemmet .. hvor det hører hjemme.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Det er for fattigt og for utilfredsstillende, hvis vi fortsat skal betragte TV som det sted, hvorfra vi henter vores oplevelser, vores information og vores politiske valg.Bjarne Reuter
Et dansk tv-publikum ligner altid en mellemting mellem importerede saltstøtter, et ligfølge, der ved en fejltagelse er gået ind i en hattebutik, og et rejseselskab spærret inde i en bus uden toilet.Claes Kastholm Hansen
TV giver dig mulighed for i dit hjem at blive underholdt af personer, som du aldrig ville have i dit hjemDavid Frost (1939-)
Tv er et underholdningsmedium, der får millioner af mennesker til at le ad den samme joke på samme tid og stadig være ensomme.Dennis Potter (1935-1994)
Fjernsynet har det ligesom Folketinget: Lige meget hvad man putter ind i den ene ende, så er det ens, når det kommer ud i den anden.Erik Clausen
Undervisning på tv burde fuldstændig forbydes. Det kan kun føre til stor skuffelse, når ens barn opdager, at bogstaverne i alfabetet ikke hopper ud af bøgerne og danser omkring sammen med kongeblå kyllinger.Fran Lebowitz (1950-)
Fjernsyn er tyggegummi for øjnene.Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
Efterligning er den mest ærlige form for TV.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Jeg finder TV meget lærerigt. Hver gang nogen tænder for apparatet, går jeg ind i et andet værelse og læser en bog.Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
Teater er liv. Film er kunst. TV et møbel.Jerry Lewis (1926-)
TV har ændret det amerikanske barn fra en uimodståelig kraft til en ubevægelig genstand.Laurence J. Peter (1919-)
Jeg hader TV lige så meget som peanuts, men jeg kan ikke holde op med at spise peanuts..Orson Wells
Den mægtigste i familien kender man på, at vedkommende bestemmer, hvilket tv-program man skal se.Peter Sellers (1925-1980)
TV er teatrets hævn over filmindustrienPeter Ustinov (1921-2004)
Kultur - tv-programmer, som er så kedelige, at de ikke kan kaldes underholdning.Quentin Crisp (1908-1999)
TV er et kommunikations-medie, der gør det muligt for millioner af mennesker at høre den samme vittighed på samme tid og fortsat føle sig ensomme.T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
I Californien smider de ikke deres affald væk, de laver det til tv-shows.Woody Allen (1935-)
Seeing a murder on television can help work off one's antagonisms. And if you haven't any antagonisms, the commercials will give you someAlfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
I'm always amazed that people will actually choose to sit in front of the television and just be savaged by stuff that belittles their intelligence.Alice Walker (1944-)
When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships.Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other.Ann Landers (1918-2002)
Every time you think television has hit its lowest ebb, a new program comes along to make you wonder where you thought the ebb was.Art Buchwald (1925-)
Television has a real problem. They have no page two.Art Buchwald (1925-)
Hollywood has been vulgarized, mostly by television, which vulgarizes everything.Candice Bergen (1946-)
Television enables you to be entertained in your home by people you wouldn't have in your home.David Frost (1939-)
I can think of nothing more boring for the American people than to have to sit in their living rooms for a whole half hour looking at my face on their television screens.Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969)
Television: A medium. So called because it's neither rare nor well done.Ernie Kovacs (1919-1962)
Television is bubble-gum for the eyes.Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
Ed Sullivan will be around as long as someone else has talent.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Imitation is the sincerest form of television.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Television is a device that permits people who haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do anything.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Television is a medium because anything well done is rare.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Television is now so desparately hungry for material that they're scraping the top of the barrel.Gore Vidal (1948-)
Television news is like a lightning flash. It makes a loud noise, lights up everything around it, leaves everything else in darkness and then is suddenly gone.Hodding Carter (1935-)
Television: teacher, mother, secret lover!Homer J. Simpson (1955-)
Theatre is life. Film is art. Television is furniture.Jerry Lewis (1926-)
Television has changed the American child from an irresistable force to an immovable object.Laurence J. Peter (1919-)
For tens of millions of people TV has become habit-forming, brain-softening, taste-degrading.Louis Kronenberger (1904-1980)
When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.Miss Piggy
And now for something completely different!Monty Python
Television is for appearing on - not for looking at.Noël Coward (1899-1973)
Time has convinced me of one thing: Television is for appearing on--not for looking at.Noël Coward (1899-1973)
The Force. It surrounds us. It enfolds us. It gets us dates on Saturday Nights.Obi-Wan Kenobi
I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts.Orson Welles (1915-1985)
Television has raised writing to a new low.Samuel Goldwyn (1882-1974)
TV is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome.T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
Television is called a medium. This is because it is neither rare, nor well done.Unknown
Television has spread the habit of instant reaction and stimulated the hope of instant results.Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
The most important thing about a TV set is to get it back against something and not out in the middle of a room where it's like a somber fellow making electronic judgments on you.Bruce Jay Friedman (1930-)
Television is the first truly democratic culture - the first culture available to everybody and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do want.Clive Barnes (1927-)
All television ever did was shrink the demand for ordinary movies. The demand for extraordinary movies increased. If any one thing is wrong with the movie industry today, it is the unrelenting effort to astonish.Clive James (1939-)
Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home.David Frost (1939-)
Television enables you to be entertained in your home by people you wouldn't have in your home.David Frost (1939-)
The day I need a television puppet or clown to tell my children what's right and what's wrong, I'll bow out as a motherElinor Smith (1911-)
Television: A medium. So called because it's neither rare nor well done.Ernie Kovacs (1919-1962)
TV is bigger than any story it reports. It's the greatest teaching tool since the printing press.Fred Friendly (1915-1998)
Television was supposed to be a national park. Instead it has become a money machine. It's a commodity now, just like pork bellies.Fred Friendly (1915-1998)
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
The curse of television [is] the programming department-all trained to look for the same kind of show.Herbert Brodkin (1912-)
Television news is like a lightning flash. It makes a loud noise, lights up everything around it, leaves everything else in darkness and then is suddenly gone.Hodding Carter (1935-)
Commercials on television are similar to sex and taxes; the more talk there is about them, the less likely they are to be curbed.Jack Gould
There is something supremely reassuring about television; the worst is always yet to come.Jack Gould
I saw this show under adverse circumstances-my seat was facing the stage.John David Klein
Television is a corporate vulgarityJohn Leonard
Today's audience knows more about what's on television than what's in life.Larry Gelbart (1928-)
If vaudeville had died, television was the box they put it in.Larry Gelbart (1928-)
Television is a golden goose that lays scrambled eggs; and it is futile and probably fatal to beat it for not laying caviar. Anyway, more people like scrambled eggs than caviar.Lee Loevinger
Television is simply automated daydreaming.Lee Loevinger
It's hard to decide if TV makes morons out of everyone, or if it mirrors Americans who really are morons to begin withMartin Mull (1943-)
Television often cannot cover the passing of the torch without fanning the flames in the process.Martin Schram
Television is the bland leading the bland.Murray Schumach
When television is good, nothing is better. When it's bad, nothing is worse.Newton N. Minow
All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching?Nicholas Johnson
Television is Democracy at it's ugliestPaddy Chayefsky (1923-1981)
The first thing a television viewer realizes when watching a golf tournament is how the sport tends to make one inclined to whisper and avoid sudden movements, such as walking to the refrigerator [during] a possible birdie putt.Peter Alfano
We became spear carriers in a great televised opera. We were props in a show. I always felt we should have joined Actors Equity.Peter Lisagor
Television should be kept in its proper place-beside us, before us, but never between us and the larger life.Robert Fraser
It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.Rod Sterling (1924-1975)
The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999)
I don't watch television, I think it destroys the art of talking about oneself.Stephen Fry (1957-)
Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindlessSteve Allen (1921-2000)
A modern revolutionary group heads for the television station.Abbie Hoffman (1936-1989)
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
I'm always amazed that people will actually choose to sit in front of the television and just be savaged by stuff that belittles their intelligence.Alice Walker (1944-)
Every time you think television has hit its lowest ebb, a new program comes along to make you wonder where you thought the ebb was.Art Buchwald (1925-)
Have you ever seen a candidate talking to a rich person on television?Art Buchwald (1925-)
Television has a real problem. They have no page two.Art Buchwald (1925-)
We love television because television brings us a world in which television does not existBarbara Ehrenreich (1941-)
Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.Bill Gates (1955-)
It is probable that television drama of high caliber and produced by first-rate artists will materially raise the level of dramatic taste of the nationAssoc. Of David Sarnoff (1891-1971)
I love vegging out in front of the TV, eating pizza!Emma Bunton (1976-)
Television is the triumph of machine over people.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Television is not vulgar because people are vulgar; it is vulgar because people are similar in their prurient interests and sharply differentiated in their civilized concerns.George Gilder
I never miss a chance to have sex or appear on television.Gore Vidal (1948-)
I can only imagine very stupid people looking at it (Television)Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
The television industry doesn't like to see the compexity of the world. It prefers simple reporting, with simple ideas: this is white, that's black; this is good, that's bad.Krzysztof Kieslowski (1941-)
On television I feel like a man playing piano in a brothel; every now and again he solaces himself by playing 'Abide with Me' in the hope of edifying both the clients and the inmatesMalcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990)
I'm not one of those people that goes into details of my personal life on national TV to get attention. Some things are better left unsaid.Mariah Carey (1970-)
If there's anything unsettling to the stomach, it's watching actors on television talk about their personal lives.Marlon Brando (1924-2004)
TV happens. And once it's happened, it's gone. When it's gone, you move on, no tears, no tantrums, no videotape.Mary Schmich
My philosophy, like color television, is all there in black and whiteMonty Python
Newspapers, television networks, and magazines have sometimes been outrageously abusive, untruthful, arrogant, and hypocritical. But it hardly follows that elimination of a strong and independent press is the way to eliminate abusiveness . . .Potter Stewart (1915-1985)
We can put television in its proper light by supposing that Gutenberg's great invention had been directed at printing only comic books.Robert M. Hutchins (1899-1977)
I think a newspaper should be provocative, stir 'em up, but you can't do that on television. It's just not on.Rupert Murdoch (1931-)
Situation comedy on television has thrived for years on "canned" laughter grafted by gaglines by technicians using records of guffawing audiences that have been dead for years.Russell Baker (1925-)
Television has raised writing to a new low.Samuel Goldwyn (1882-1974)
Television [is] a high-impact medium. It does some things no other force can do-transmitting electronic pictures through the air. Still, as an explored, comprehensive medium, it is not a substitute for print.Walter Cronkite (1916-)
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home.David Frost (1939-)
If you read a lot of books you are considered well read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you're not considered well viewed.Lily Tomlin (1939-)
In general my children refuse to eat anything that hasn't danced in television.Erma Bombeck (1927-1996)
While you are destroying your mind watching the worthless, brain-rotting drivel on TV, we on the Internet are exchanging, freely and openly, the most uninhibited, intimate and, yes, shocking details about our "CONFIG.SYS" settings.Dave Barry (1947-)
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.John Lennon (1940-1980)
I'm always amazed that people will actually choose to sit in front of the television and just be savaged by stuff that belittles their intelligence.Alice Walker (1944-)
I can only imagine very stupid people looking at it (Television)Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by candlelight.George Gobal
The television, that insidious beast, that Medusa which freezes a billion people to stone every night, staring fixedly, that Siren which called and sang and promised so much and gave, after all, so little.Ray Bradbury (1920-)
All television is children's television.Richard P. Adler (1921-)
Today's audience knows more about what's on television than what's in life.Larry Gelbart (1928-)
What is a television apparatus to man, who has only to shut his eyes to see the most inaccessible regions of the seen and the never seen, who has only to imagine in order to pierce through walls and cause all the planetary Baghdads of his dreams to rise from the dustSalvador Dalí (1904-1989)
All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching?Nicholas Johnson
Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindlessSteve Allen (1921-2000)
My philosophy, like color television, is all there in black and whiteMonty Python
Art may imitate life, but life imitates TV.Ani diFranco (1970-)
The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999)
Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Television is like the American toaster, you push the button and the same thing pops up everytime.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Seeing a murder on television can help work off one's antagonisms. And if you haven't any antagonisms, the commercials will give you some.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Television is like the invention of indoor plumbing. It didn't change people's habits. It just kept them inside the house.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Television has brought back murder into the home - where it belongs.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
I'm always amazed that people will actually choose to sit in front of the television and just be savaged by stuff that belittles their intelligence.Alice Walker (1944-)
When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships.Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other.Ann Landers (1918-2002)
Have you ever seen a candidate talking to a rich person on television?Art Buchwald (1925-)
Television has a real problem. They have no page two.Art Buchwald (1925-)
As if we don't have enough violence on television.Barbara Bush (1925-)
Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.Bill Gates (1955-)
It was this really bizarre video idea, this animated Power Ranger-y thing. I said, 'This is not right. If you want me to reach four-year-olds, then OK.'Britney Spears (1981-)
I don't even own a TV because I think it's the devil.Cameron Diaz (1972-)
I might have had trouble saving France in 1946-I didn't have television then.Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970)
There is no medical proof that television causes brain damage - at least from over five feet away. In fact, TV is probably the least physically harmful of all the narcotics known to man.Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
All television ever did was shrink the demand for ordinary movies. The demand for extraordinary movies increased. If any one thing is wrong with the movie industry today, it is the unrelenting effort to astonish.Clive James (1939-)
Sometimes cameras and television are good to people and sometimes they aren't. I don't know if its the way you say it, or how you look.Dan Quayle (1947-1947)
Nothing is really real unless it happens on television.Daniel J. Boorstin (1914-)
Violence and smut are of course everywhere on the airwaves. You cannot turn on your television without seeing them, although sometimes you have to hunt around.Dave Barry (1947-)
The nuclear generator of brain sludge is television.Dave Barry (1947-)
Television should be our Lyceum, our Chautauqua, our Minsky's and our Camelot.E. B. White (1899-1985)
I think television has betrayed the meaning of democratic speech, adding visual chaos to the confusion of voices. What role does silence have in all this noise?Federico Fellini (1920-1993)
Educational television should be absolutely forbidden. It can only lead to unreasonable disappointment when your child discovers that the letters of the alphabet do not leap up out of books and dance around with royal-blue chickens.Fran Lebowitz (1950-)
TV is chewing gum for the eyes.Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
Television is chewing gum for the eyes.Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)
Television is a triumph of equipment over people and the minds that control it are so small that you could put them in a gnat's navel with room left over for two caraway seeds and an agent's heartFred Allen (1894-1956)
Television is a device that permits people who haven't anything to do to watch people who can't do anything.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Television is called a medium because anything good on it is rareFred Allen (1894-1956)
Television is an instrument which can paralyze this country.Gen William C. Westmoreland
Television is now so desperately hungry for material that they're scraping the top of the barrel.Gore Vidal (1948-)
I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book.Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
Television knows no night. It is perpetual day. TV embodies our fear of the dark, of night, of the other side of things.Jean Baudrillard
There are two types of television: the first makes the intelligent more difficult to govern, and the second makes the dumb easier to govern.Jean Guéhenno
Why something in the public interest such as television news can be fought over, like a chain of hamburger stands, eludes me.Jimmy Breslin (1929-)
ABC Television Network: Your services, such as they are, will no longer be required as of 12/20/86.Jimmy Breslin (1929-)
I secretly understood: the primitive appeal of the hearth. Television is-its irresistible charm-a fire.John Updike (1932-)
If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners.Johnny Carson (1925-2005)
Television is a weapon of mass distractrion.Larry Gelbart (1928-)
Unlike productions in the other arts, all television shows are born to destroy two other shows.Les Brown (musician)
Thanks to television, for the first time the young are seeing history made before it is censored by their elders.Margaret Mead (1901-1978)
The news automatically becomes the real world for the TV user and is not a substitute for reality, but is itself an immediate reality.Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)
Sometimes men are scared of me. You become a kind of an icon on television, and people are a little bit unsure, careful. It's funny.Mischa Barton (1986-)
Say, I was on The Craig Kilbourne Show and the next day I flew to Minneapolis. I was at the airport and a guy came up. He said, 'Dude, I saw you on TV last night.' But he did not say whether or not he thought I was good, he just confirmed that I was on television. So I turned my head away from him for about a minute, then I turned it back. I said, 'Dude, I saw you at the airport about a minute ago. And you were good.'Mitch Hedberg (1968-2005)
I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts.Orson Welles (1915-1985)
I suppose I should get a VCR, but the only thing I like about television is its ephemerality.P. J. O'Rourke (1947-)
Television is just one more facet of that considerable segment of our society that never had any standard but the soft buck.Raymond Chandler (1888-1959)
It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.Rod Sterling (1924-1975)
Color television! Bah, I won't believe it until I see it in black and white.Samuel Goldwyn (1882-1974)
I'm never at my best on television. There's a row of cameras between you and the audience, and it's very weird, very confusing.Shania Twain (1965-)
Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindlessSteve Allen (1921-2000)
A people who's primary aims are driving, shopping, and television are subject to terrorism at any time.Steven Deitz
Radio is a medium of entertainment which permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesomeT.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
He who is created by television can be destroyed by television.Theodore H. White (1915-1986)
The novel can't compete with cars, the movies, television, and liquor. A guy who's had a good feed and tanked up on good wine gives his old lady a kiss after supper and his day is over. Finished.Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
In Beverly Hills... they don't throw their garbage away. They make it into television shows.Woody Allen (1935-)
Alle som er redd for hva fjernsynet gjør med verden er antakelig bare redd for verden.Clive James (1939-)
Dersom alle begrenset seg til å snakke om det de forstår seg på, ville det ikke bli flere fjernsynsdebatter.Werner Höfer
Det beste man kan si om fjernsynet er nok at gamle folk får levende ansikter inn i stua.Rolf Jacobsen (1907-1994)
Enkelte fjernsynsprogrammer er tyggegummi for øynene.John Mason Brown (1900-1969)
Fjernsyn: radio for fantasiløse.Rudolf Rolfs
Fjernsynet er beviset på at folk vil se på hva som helst annet enn hverandre.Ann Landers (1918-2002)
Fjernsynet er den eneste sovemedisinen man inntar gjennom øynene.Vittorio de Sica (1902-1974)
Fjernsynet er en innretning som gjør at folk som ikke har noe å gjøre, kan betrakte folk som ikke kan gjøre noe.Fred Allen (1894-1956)
Fjernsynet har brakt mordet tilbake til hjemmene, der det hører hjemme.Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Hvis du leser mange bøker, regnes du som belest. Men hvis du ser mye på TV, regnes du ikke som be-sett.Lily Tomlin (1939-)
Jeg hater fjernsyn like mye som peanøtter, men jeg klarer ikke å holde opp med å spise peanøtter.Orson Welles (1915-1985)
Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor de i fjernsynet alltid ber om unnskyldning for forsinkelsene, men aldri for programmene.Otto Preminger (1906-1986)
Jeg synes fjernsyn er veldig lærerikt. Hver gang jeg setter det på, går jeg inn i et annet rom og leser en god bok.Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
Med tiden er jeg blitt overbevist om én ting: Fjernsynet er til å opptre i, ikke se på.Noël Coward (1899-1973)