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Citat om Teori och Praktik

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En teori är oftast bättre än dess förklaring.Sir Richard Livingstone (1880-1960)
Ett experiment kan betraktas som lyckat om du behöver bortse från mindre än hälften av dina data för att få en god överensstämmelse med din teori.Sir Richard Livingstone (1880-1960)
I teorin så fungerar allt!Sir Richard Livingstone (1880-1960)
I teorin, så är det ingen skillnad mellan teori och praktik. I praktiken är det skillnad.Sir Richard Livingstone (1880-1960)
I uppfostringens historia är teorier vanligare än resultat.Sir Richard Livingstone (1880-1960)
Inget är så praktiskt som en bra teori.Kurt Lewin
Innan jag gifte mig hade jag sex teorier om barnuppfostran. Nu har jag sex barn och inga teorier.Lord Rochester (1647-1680)
Min dyre vän, grå är all teori, bara livets gyllene träd är grönt.Graffiti
Teori är när man vet allt men ingenting fungerar. Praktik är när allt fungerar men ingen vet varför. Hos oss är teori och praktik förenade: ingenting fungerar och ingen vet varför.Graffiti
Teori är när man vet allting, men ingenting fungerar. Praktik är när allting fungerar, men ingen fattar varför. I detta hus förenas teori och praktik: ingenting fungerar och ingen fattar varför.Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
Vi är alla överens om att din teori är galen. Frågan som splittrar oss är huruvida den är tillräckligt galen för att ha en chans att vara korrekt. Jag har känslan av att den inte är galen nog.Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
Einstein explained his theory to me every day, and on my arrival I was fully convinced that he understood it.Chaim Weizmann (1874-)
The popularity of conspiracy theories is explained by people's desire to believe that there is - some group of folks who know what they're doingDamon Knight
Generally, the theories we believe we call facts, and the facts we disbelieve we call theoriesFelix Cohen
If the Confederacy fails, there should be written on its tombstone: Died of a Theory.Jefferson Davis (1808-1889)
Whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one, take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory nor the problem which it was intended to solveKarl Popper
It is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. In fact, some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it is that it is unquestionably correct.Michio Kaku
We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fictionPierre Pachet (1872-)
Scientific theory is a contrived foothold in the chaos of living phenomena.Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)
It is a test of true theories not only to account for but to predict phenomenaWilliam Whewell (1794-)
The theory that can absorb the greatest number of facts, and persist in doing so, generation after generation, through all changes of opinion and detail, is the one that must rule all observation.Adam Smith (1723-1790)
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Relativity applies to physics, not ethicsAlbert Einstein (1879-1955)
First, you know, a new theory is attacked as absurd; then it is admitted to be true, but obvious and insignificant; finally it is seen to be so important that its adversaries claim that they themselves discovered itWilliam James (1842-1910)
How empty is theory in the presence of factMark Twain (1835-1910)
An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)
It is the theory that decides what can be observedAlbert Einstein (1879-1955)
The theory seems to be that as long as a man is a failure he is one of God's children, but that as soon as he succeeds he is taken over by the Devil.Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast.Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Generally, the theories we believe we call facts, and the facts we disbelieve we call theoriesFelix Cohen
Our theories of the eternal are as valuable as are those which a chick which has not broken its way through its shell might form of the outside world.Buddha (563 f.Kr.-483 f.Kr.)
Theory helps us to bear our ignorance of factsGeorge Santayana (1863-1952)
If the Confederacy fails, there should be written on its tombstone: Died of a Theory.Jefferson Davis (1808-1889)
Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theoryWilliam Wordsworth (1770-1850)
Scientific theory is a contrived foothold in the chaos of living phenomena.Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)
It is a test of true theories not only to account for but to predict phenomenaWilliam Whewell (1794-)
Knowledge is not a series of self consistent theories that converges towards an ideal view; it is rather an ever increasing ocean of mutually incompatible (and perhaps even incommensurable) alternatives, each single theory, each fairy tale, each mythPaul Feyerabend (1924-)
Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fictionPierre Pachet (1872-)
It is the theory that decides what we can observe.Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
The truth of a theory is in your mind, not in your eyes.Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
It is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. In fact, some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it is that it is unquestionably correct.Michio Kaku
Praksis bør alltid bygge på god teori.Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Teori er alt det som aldri stemmer med virkeligheten.Ranveig Sørensen