Citat |
Sagt av |
Aldrig ljugs det så mycket som före ett val, under ett krig och efter en jakt. | Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) |
Alla vägar löper åt två håll. | Ryskt ordspråk |
Ammunitionen till valkampen är den enda som inte får vara torr. | Hermann Hächerl |
Att inte välja när man måste är också ett val. | William James (1842-1910) |
Att inte välja är också att välja. | Jiddish ordspråk |
Att känna sig onyttig är ännu värre än att känna sig skyldig. | Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz |
Att räkna skallar är inte det idealiska sättet att regerapå, men det är i alla fall bättre än att krossa dem. | Learned Hand |
Bidrag (gåvor) till valkampanjer är det yttre tecknet på den hjältemodiga kamp som partierna för i syfte att skydda parlamentet mot väljarnas inflytande. | Helmar Nahr |
De ansvarslösa vinner valen - men alltid åt det andra partiet. | Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) |
Den som förlitar sig på det sunda förnuftet hos väljarna har inget själv. | Henri Tisot |
Den som går i andras fotspår, kommer aldrig först. | Malcolm de Chazal (1929-) |
Den som kan få andra att skratta vinner fler röster för något än den som tvingar väljarna att tänka. | Malcolm de Chazal (1929-) |
Det första man gör när man vill bli vald är att prostituera sig. Visa mig en man med mod och övertygelse så ska jag visa dig en förlorare. | Ray Kroe |
Det ges föga val bland ruttna äpplen. | Spanskt ordspråk |
Det idealiska valet vore att inte bara räkna rösterna utan också väga dem. | Rudolf von Ihering |
Det som karaktäriserar ett stort intellekt är att kunna välja några få viktiga punkter, och vara dem trogna livet ut. | Anna Letitia Barbauld |
Det var en äldre politiker som sade till mig att man aldrig kan få de goda, de rika och de kloka valda. Ja, då blir det alltså bara vi andra kvar. | Hilmar Baunsgaard |
Det är orimligt att amerikanerna själva ska få välja en så mäktig man som den amerikanske presidenten. | Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber (1924-) |
Du är ett resultat av din miljö. Därför ska du välja en omgivning som bäst hjälper dig till ditt mål. Analysera ditt liv genom denna insikt. Skapar din miljö din framgång eller håller den dig tillbaka? | W. Clement Stone (1902-2002) |
Dåliga politiker väljs av goda medborgare som inte röstar. | George Jean Nathan (1882-1958) |
Där geten står hunden, där måste den beta. | Franskt ordspråk |
En man är lycklig så länge han väljer att vara lycklig och inget kan stoppa honom. | Alexander Solzenitsyn |
En politiker tänker på nästa val; en statsman tänker på nästa generation. | James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888) |
Ett djur som återkommer vart fjärde år: val! | Will Rogers (1879-1935) |
Fler män väljs mellan solnedgång och solluppgång än som någonsin har blivit valda mellan soluppgång och solnedgång. | Will Rogers (1879-1935) |
Folk borde välja dem som öppet erkänner att de har begått fel och inte dem som tillgriper alla knep och finter för att dölja begångna fel. | Benedetto Croce |
För det första blir man inte vald för att man är road av ämbetet. Och för det andra har man tur om det ger mer nöje än förargelse. | Willy Brandt (1913-1992) |
Hur många röster får historiens röst i ett val? | Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (1906-1966) |
I politiken skriver kvinnorna brev, klistrar på frimärken, delar ut trycksaker och går och röstar. Männen blir valda. | Clare Boothe Luce (1903-1987) |
I TV-åldern kan en skicklig frisör avgöra ett val. | James Stewart (1908-1997) |
I valet mellan två onda ting föredrar jag alltid det som jag inte prövat förut. | Mae West (1892-1980) |
I valstriden skjuter politikerna på varandra, men vanligen är det bara väljarna som blir träffade. | Otto Ludwig (1923-) |
Ingen väljarkår är så trolös som den borgerliga. | John Christmas Møller |
Istället för att klaga över Nobelkommitténs val borde vi kanske vara glada över att det finns fler värdiga pristagare än det finns pris att dela ut. | Wolfgang Hansson |
Konstigt nog känner sig inte väljarna ansvariga för den regering de valde som vacklar. | Alberto Moravia (1907-1990) |
Kvinnor spelar så liten roll i politiken därför att de hellre röstar på män än på kvinnor. | Guy Lajfargue |
Man bör inte sätta rösträttsåldern för lågt, för i så fall är det risk för att nationens öde hänger på tonåringarnas pubertetsproblem. | Hardy D. Higgins |
Man skall inte göra det bästa man kan, utan det man kan bäst. | Alberto Moravia (1907-1990) |
Märkvärdigt nog känner sig inte väljarna ansvariga för att den regering de har valt vacklar. | Alberto Moravia (1907-1990) |
Nödvändigheten befriar oss från besväret att välja. | Luc de Clapiers Vauvenargues (1715-1747) |
Om man frågar någon vem han ska rösta på, säger han det antagligen. Om man däremot frågar varför blir svaret svävande. | Bernard Levin (1928-2004) |
Om USA eller Storbritannien håller val, frågar de inte efter folk som ska observera från Afrika eller Asien. Men när vi har val vill de ha folk som observerar. | Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) |
Partierna blåser på nytt till valkamp i pratbubblor. | Hans-Horst Skupy |
Rösta alltid för en princip, även om du är ensam om att göra det. Då får du njuta av tanken att din röst aldrig är förspilld. | John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) |
Rösta på den som lovar minst. Då blir du minst besviken. | Bernard M. Baruch (1870-1965) |
Rösta på den som lovar minst. Honom blir du minst besviken på. | Bernard M. Baruch (1870-1965) |
Röster: Den enda vara som man kan handla med utan tillstånd. | Mark Twain (1835-1910) |
Svensson tror att han inte har något val. Jag vet att val är det enda vi har. | Tomas Di Leva |
Tanken att man kan marknadsföra kandidater till höga ämbeten precis som cornflakes är höjden av ovärdighet i den demokratiska processen. | Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965) |
Trots att kommunistpartiet i Sovjet fick 99,9 procent av väljarna, verkar det som om man alltid stöter på den där promillen. | Winston Churchill (1874-1965) |
Under alla de lovord som ges demokratin finns den lilla människan, som går in i det lilla valbåset med sin lilla blyertspenna och sätter ett litet kryss på ett litet papper. Inga tal och inga omfattande diskussioner kan på något sätt minska kryssets övervälldigande betydelse. | Winston Churchill (1874-1965) |
Under valkampanjen bör man inte plocka fram det sista av det ärvda porslinet och slå det i bitar. | Walter L. Kiep |
Vad är det för idé med nyval när det inte finns något nytt att välja? | Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916) |
Vad är ånger? En stor sorg över att vi är som vi är. | Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916) |
Valet är inte långt borta om kandidaten känner igen dig tvärs över gatan. | Frank McKinney Hubbard (1868-1930) |
Valkamp är konsten att endast lova det som man ändå inte behöver hålla. | Carlo Franchi |
Valkampanjer är som förlossningar. Innan du drar dig till minnes hur förfärligt det är står du mitt uppe i en ny. | Margaret Whitlam |
Valtal är ett försök att lova mycket utan att lova för mycket. | Jo Herbst |
Valtalare är som lök. Man skalar av det ena lagret efter det andra, och det som blir kvar är bara att gråta över. | Helge Steincke |
Valurnan är den minst effektiva mekanismen för förändringar. | Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) |
Valurnan är det minst effektiva sättet att förändra. | Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) |
Var inte rädd för dom tongivande. Följ tonen som tonar för dig. | Werner Aspenström |
Varför ta endera eller när man kan ta både och. | Ingvar Westerdahl |
Vid det kommande valet ska jag rösta på tre olika partier, så att jag är helgarderad. | Imelda Marcos (1930-) |
Vinna eller förlora, oavsett vilket så går vi och shoppar efter valet. | Imelda Marcos (1930-) |
Vår ånger är inte så mycket sorg över det onda vi gjort som fruktan för följderna. | François de la Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) |
Välj bara en mästare -Naturen. | Rembrandt (1606-1669) |
Välj ett arbete du älskar så kommer du aldrig behöva arbeta en dag i ditt liv. | Konfucius (555 f.Kr.-479 f.Kr.) |
Väljaren gläder sig åt det oskattbara privilegiet att få rösta på någon som en annan har valt ut åt honom. | Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) |
Väljarna avgör inte några ärenden. De avgör vem som ska avgöra ärendena. | George F. Will (1941-) |
Ångern är ett andra felsteg. | Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) |
I begyndelsen var ordet, og ordet var valg. Det ord, hvorpå alle spændende oplevelser, alle oplivende momenter, al mening og al ære afhænger. | Tom Robbins (1936-) |
To decide to be at the level of choice, is to take responsibility for your life and to be in control of your life. | Arbie M. Dale |
As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility. | Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) |
Making a choice is like backing a horse-in a hundred years, they may decide you picked wrongly. | Edward Carpenter |
Choice has always been a privilege of those who could afford to pay for it. | Ellen Frankfort |
I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though. | Elton John (1947-) |
It is an unfortunate truth of experiential reality that choices are not clear-cut, and the event window for choice may vanish before the information enabling the choice is present | Eluki bes Shahar |
The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and the ignorant believe to be liberty. | Fisher Ames |
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. | Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960) |
We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision. | Gary Collins (1938-) |
There is a sacred realm of privacy for every man and woman where he makes his choices and decisions-a realm of his own essential rights and liberties into which the law, generally speaking, must not intrude. | Geoffrey Fisher |
I can't let important policy decisions hinge on the fact that an election is coming up every 90 days. | Gerhard Schroeder |
When I have to choose between voting for the people or the special interests, I always stick with the special interests. They remember. The people forget. | Henry Fountain Ashurst |
Life is not a continuum of pleasant choices, but of inevitable problems that call for strength, determination, and hard work | Indian Proverb |
Take care, don't fight, and remember: if you do not choose to lead, you will forever be led by others. Find what scares you, and do it. And you can make a difference, if you choose to do so. | J. Michael Straczynski (1954-) |
Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends | Jacques Delille (1738-1813) |
If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them. | Jane Fonda (1937-) |
It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. | Joanne Kathleen Rowling (1965-) |
Falling ill is not something that happens to us, it is a choice we make as a result of things happening to us | Jonathan Miller (1934-) |
Your click stream is your vote. | Joseph Reagle |
To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there. | Kofi Annan (1938-) |
I don't think homosexuality is a choice. Society forces you to think it's a choice, but in fact, it's in one's nature. The choice is whether one expresses one's nature truthfully or spends the rest of one's life lying about it. | Marlo Thomas (1937-) |
Let men decide firmly what they will not do, and they will be free to do vigorously what they ought to do | Mencius |
I don't always wear underwear. When I'm in the heat, especially, I can't wear it. Like, if I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear? | Naomi Campbell (1970-) |
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. | Robert Fritz |
The real world is complex and sometimes none of the choices we have are good ones. If Attila the Hun is coming through, it's not a matter of being moral. It's kill or be killed. | Theodore Postol |
The more decisions that you are forced to make alone, the more you are aware of your freedom to choose | Thornton Wilder (1897-1975) |
By the time a person has achieved years adequate for choosing a direction, the die is cast and the moment has long since passed which determined the future. | Zelda Fitzgerald (1900-) |
Choose an author as you choose a friend. | Sir Arthur Helps (1813-1875) |
I will offer a choice, not an echo | Barry Goldwater (1909-1998) |
And if I have my choice between a pennant and a triple crown, I'll take the pennant every time. | Carl Yastrzemski (1939-) |
If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country. | E. M. Forster (1879-1970) |
In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. | Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) |
We need to teach the next generation of children from Day One that they are responsible for their lives. Mankind's greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear. | Elisabeth Kubler-Ross |
I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime. | Elisabeth Kubler-Ross |
I'll walk where my own nature would be leading: It vexes me to choose another guide. | Emily Bronte (1818-1848) |
The choice open to us is not between a system in which everybody will get what he deserves according to some absolute and universal standard of right, and one where the individual shares are determined partly by accident or good will or chance, but b | Friedrich August Hayek |
The strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice. | George Eliot (1819-1880) |
The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously. | Henry Kissinger (1923-) |
You will expect me to discuss the late election. Well, as nearly as I can learn, we did not have enough votes on our side. | Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) |
We all should choose our friends carefully. I used to think that no one could know me better than somebody else, because you're inside yourself, your body, you can't see yourself. If you think like that, you surround yourself with other people who ar | Jewel Kilcher (1974-) |
I had examined myself pretty thoroughly and discovered that I was unfit for military service. | Joseph Heller (1923-1999) |
One must chose in life between boredom and suffering | Madame de Staël (1766-1817) |
Responsible choice involves consequences, not the least of which are relinquishments all along our way | Marsha Sinetar |
No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks | Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) |
First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent. | Michael Caine (1933-) |
I know who I am and who I may be, if I choose. | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) |
I think there is choice possible to us at any moment, as long as we live. But there is no sacrifice. There is a choice, and the rest falls away. Second choice does not exist. Beware of those who talk about sacrifice. | Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980) |
Look for your choices, pick the best one, then go with it | Pat Riley (1972-) |
Guess, if you can, and choose, if you dare. | Pierre Corneille (1606-1684) |
Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. | Richard David Bach (1936-) |
We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves. | Thomas Merton (1915-1968) |
What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice | Ursula K. LeGuin (1929-) |
It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. | Joanne Kathleen Rowling (1965-) |
A man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy and nothing can stop him. | Alexander Solzenitsyn |
While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. | Stephen R. Covey |
It is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends. | Richard David Bach (1936-) |
I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude. | Richard David Bach (1936-) |
It is the woman who chooses the man who will choose her. | Richard David Bach (1936-) |
You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past. | Richard David Bach (1936-) |
There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself. | Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) |
Take care, don't fight, and remember: if you do not choose to lead, you will forever be led by others. Find what scares you, and do it. And you can make a difference, if you choose to do so. | J. Michael Straczynski (1954-) |
I don't think homosexuality is a choice. Society forces you to think it's a choice, but in fact, it's in one's nature. The choice is whether one expresses one's nature truthfully or spends the rest of one's life lying about it. | Marlo Thomas (1937-) |
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. | Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) |
Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. | Richard David Bach (1936-) |
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. | Robert Fritz |
You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back? | W. Clement Stone (1902-2002) |
Allow the world to live as it chooses, and allow yourself to live as you choose. | Richard David Bach (1936-) |
In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. | Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) |
The more decisions that you are forced to make alone, the more you are aware of your freedom to choose | Thornton Wilder (1897-1975) |
Until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that person cannot say, "I choose otherwise | Stephen R. Covey |
Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. | Buddha (563 f.Kr.-483 f.Kr.) |
It's exciting; I don't know whether I'm going to win or not. I think I am. I do know I'm ready for the job. And, if not, that's just the way it goes. | George W. Bush (1946-) |
An election cannot give a country a firm sense of direction if it has two or more national parties which merely have different names but are as alike in their principles and aims as two peas in the same pod | Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) |
Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. | Franklin Pierce Adams (1881-1960) |
Win or lose, we go shopping after the election. | Imelda Marcos (1930-) |
This election is about who's going to be the next President of the United States! | Dan Quayle (1947-1947) |
I will feel equality has arrived when we can elect to office women who are as incompetent as some of the men who are already there | Maureen Reagan (1941-2001) |
I can't let important policy decisions hinge on the fact that an election is coming up every 90 days. | Gerhard Schroeder |
What is it we all seek for in an election? To answer its real purposes, you must first posses the means of knowing the fitness of your man; and then you must retain some hold upon him by personal obligation or dependence | Edmund Burke (1729-1797) |
The elective system offered a bewildering freedom of choice, leaving some graduates with the impression that they had nibbled at dozens of canapes of knowledge and never had their fill. | Ted Morgan |
An election tells how many of your supporters are alive, and a war tells how many are willing to be dead | John Adams (1735-1826) |
Where annual elections end, there slavery begins | John Adams (1735-1826) |
You will expect me to discuss the late election. Well, as nearly as I can learn, we did not have enough votes on our side. | Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) |
A woman will be elected President before Wade Boggs is called out on strikes. I guarantee that. | George Brett (1953-) |
Wars and elections are both too big and too small to matter in the long run. The daily work - that goes on, it adds up. | Barbara Kingsolver (1955-) |
If you want to get elected president, you've got to think up some memorable homily so that school kids can be pestered into memorizing it, even if they don't know what it means | George F. Will (1941-) |
The theory is that election to Congress is tantamount to being dispatched to Washington on a looting raid for the enrichment of your state or district, and no other ethic need inhibit the feeding frenzy | George F. Will (1941-) |
When personal judgment is inoperative (or forbidden), men's first concern is not how to choose, but how to justify their choice | Ayn Rand (1905-1982) |
Nothing is so exhausting as indecision, and nothing is so futile. | Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) |
Any change, any loss, does not make us victims. Others can shake you, surprise you, disappoint you, but they can't prevent you from acting, from taking the situation you're presented with and moving on. No matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation, you can always do something. You always have a choice and the choice can be power. | Blaine Lee |
Inflamed by greed, incensed by hate, confused by delusion, overcome by them, obsessed by mind, a man chooses for his own affliction, for others' affliction, for the affliction of both and experiences pain and grief | Buddha (563 f.Kr.-483 f.Kr.) |
To govern is always to choose among disadvantages. | Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) |
The reason people blame things on the previous generations is that there's only one other choice | Doug Larson |
So my choice is 'Or Death?'. | Eddie Izzard (1962-) |
I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime. | Elisabeth Kubler-Ross |
Where there is no choice, we do well to make no difficulty | George MacDonald (1824-) |
Choose a subject equal to your abilities; think carefully what your shoulders may refuse, and what they are capable of bearing. | George Horace Lorimer (1867-1937) |
It's choice--not chance--that determines your destiny. | Jean Nidetch |
We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons. | Jim Rohn |
We have to choose between a global market driven only by calculations of short-term profit, and one which has a human face. | Kofi Annan (1938-) |
The people of Serbia want to have a say in the decisions affecting them. And I hope that this choice and their voice will be heard. | Kofi Annan (1938-) |
What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life. | Leo F. Buscaglia |
One must chose in life between boredom and suffering | Madame de Staël (1766-1817) |
Like everybody who is not in love, he thought one chose the person to be loved after endless deliberations and on the basis of particular qualities or advantages. | Marcel Proust (1871-1922) |
A society which is clamoring for choice, which is filled with many articulate groups, each urging its own brand of salvation, its own variety of economic philosophy, will give each new generation no peace until all have chosen or gone under, unable t | Margaret Mead (1901-1978) |
I don't think homosexuality is a choice. Society forces you to think it's a choice, but in fact, it's in one's nature. The choice is whether one expresses one's nature truthfully or spends the rest of one's life lying about it. | Marlo Thomas (1937-) |
Responsible choice involves consequences, not the least of which are relinquishments all along our way | Marsha Sinetar |
My generation, faced as it grew with a choice between religious belief and existential despair, chose marijuana. Now we are in our Cabernet stage. | Peggy Noonan (1950-) |
Choose your company before you drink | Proverb |
Every mind must make its choice between truth and repose. It cannot have both. | Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) |
Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference | Robert Frost (1874-1963) |
The world today has a strong democratic core shaped by American ingenuity, sacrifice, and spirit. But on the periphery are many unstable and dangerous places, where terrorists seek to impose a medieval dark age. As we learned so brutally and so personally, we do face a new threat. But we also face a renewed choice - between isolation in a perilous world, which I believe is impossible in any event, and engagement to shape a safer world which is the urgent imperative of our time. | Senator John Kerry (1943-) |
Until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that person cannot say, "I choose otherwise | Stephen R. Covey |
The more decisions that you are forced to make alone, the more you are aware of your freedom to choose | Thornton Wilder (1897-1975) |
Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them. | W. Clement Stone (1902-2002) |
Man can embody truth but he cannot know it. The intellect of man is forced to choose perfection of the life, or of the work, and if it take the second must refuse a heavenly mansion, raging in the dark. | William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) |
When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice. | William James (1842-1910) |
There's small choice in rotten apples | William Shakespeare (1564-1616) |